•12: Clubs•

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Rolake Coker

"Silence!" Mrs Ambah shouted and almost immediately, the hall was like a graveyard.

"Just as a reminder and also to alert the new students ranging from all classes, today and every other Wednesday for the rest of this session, we shall be holding our club and cocurricular meetings" she said and murmurs started to erupt especially from the JSS1 classes. They're new so it's expected.

"So," she continued and they kept quiet. I swear people feared this woman so much, the seniors don't even have to do anything because just a glare from her will shut you up literally. Glad they figured it out fast.

"Later today, we shall all meet back here in order to sign ourselves up for the clubs of our choice and know who is in charge" she finished. No one in the senior class made a sound well except the few new students who made some murmurs here and there but nothing too damaging.

"When you all come back, Senior Dayo the head boy, will address and coordinate you all. That will be all for today" Mrs Ambah said and left the podium. Almost immediately, noise erupted.

"Okay!" Ava said enthusiastically and clapped her hands. Me and the girls turned towards her to listen to what she has to say.

"Which club are we all joining?" She asked with a smile on her face.

"I'm joining the sports club" Shatoni said while stretching and getting up. We we're dismissed so we were about to head to class.

"Same b" Ava said while we walked out of the hall.

"Well me and Kemi are joining the jet club" Bofa said and shrugged.

"Babes what about you?" Toni asked me.

"I was thinking either the Art club or Young Programmers, I dunno" I said and shrugged. It's a tough decision seeing as I love both.

"But as per Mr Mike is the art teacher, why not" I said and shrugged again.

"I don't understand how you are a science student studying software programming and yet you decide to join Art club" Ava tsked and shook her head.

"It's called skills baby" I said and threw her a lazy smile which she rolled her eyes too but a smile still on her face. To be honest, I saw this as my chance to have a day to myself to unwind and just do something I love. Hobby-wise and and not career related.

Quick recap? I thought you'd never ask.

So yesterday, after my 'episode' and Adekunle telling me what happened to his sister, we spent some time together and got to know each other more since we were basically friends now and all. Eventually, the girls barged in and surprisingly Timileyin came. How he knew my house and arrived that fast, I won't understand.

Later that evening, my mom called us all down for dinner, insisting that my friends mustn't leave until they eat something. That made Shatoni legit jump for happiness and almost immediately dived in.

Also, knowing my mom being a case, she thanked Adekunle and gave him an official pass into my house to come anytime he likes. Not that I mind or anything, note the scarcasm. My dad wasn't in full support of it though but can he really oppose what his wife says? Nope. Never in a million years.

So after that, they all said their goodbyes after they realised it was still a school week and I decided to just take a long shower and sleep in.

This morning, I got to school early. Yes I know, shocker. I've been coming early this term and its just the third day. I don't like it. Bofa and Kemi asked after me though and apologized for not coming.

"What's up pretty ladies?" Timileyin said once we came to our seats. We were already in the class. We're pretty fast walkers.

"Timi my man!" Ava screamed and flung her arm over his shoulder while he just laughed and held unto her waist.


"Hey" Adekunle said lifting his hand for a fist bump which I gingerly returned.

"It's a weird sight seeing you two tolerate each other" Shatoni said which caused them to laugh while I just rolled my eyes. She wasn't wrong though.

"So what clubs are y'all joining hm?" Timileyin asked us, mind you, still holding unto Ava.

"Kemi and I are joining the jet club, Shatoni and Ava for the sports club and Rolake for the Art club" Bofa summarised.

"Yunno I would have preferred the literary club but where's the fun in that?" I said and shrugged.

"Still don't know why she's in science class" Shatoni mumbled under her breath but we still heard her which made me snigger.

"What about you guys?" Kemi asked which made Timileyin start rubbing his chin in a funny thinking posture. We were already on the pathway to the senior block, flocks of people in cliques going in the same direction, chitchatting, basically being hyperactive teenagers as they should in the early hours of the day.

"Either sports or young programmers" he concluded and shrugged.

"And you?" I asked Adekunle who hadn't said anything yet.

"Young programmers or art club" he said and shrugged too.

"I never pegged you as the artsy type" I said to him in all honesty.

"There's more to me that meets the eye Star" Adekunle said while smirking and winking.

And he's back!

Yunno, I'm starting to get accustomed to him calling me Star. Now that I think about it, he's the only one who calls me that. Not even my parents call me Star.

"Oh I have a great idea!" Ava exclaimed which made me roll my eyes.

"Shoot" Timileyin said, also matching her energy as we were ascending the stairs to our class floor.

"Why don't you join the sports club and Adekunle joins the art club! That way, we're still together in a way" she said and clapped her hands for more emphasis.

"For her mind she has sense abi?" Shatoni jested which made us laugh and Ava, roll her eyes.

"Don't mind her jhor. It's a fantastic idea" Timileyin said which made Ava nod her head in pride.

Why he no go support am? At this point, otiloooo.

"At least I get to stay with Star" Adekunle said and shrugged like it was nothing while my friends decided it would be a good time to start cooing and hooting.

"Omo wahala for who no get person to stay with o" Kemi laughed which made me roll my eyes for the umpteenth time.



Yes! So I said I was going on hiatus but now that I think about it, it's impossible cus I have the best readers and I can't keep them hanging🙃❤.

This chapter is dedicated to all the people who brought my writing spirit back. I would have listed y'all out but I think it's best I just dedicate one chapter to each of y'all yh?😌

Quick shoutout to all my loyal readers who disturbed my arse for updates😂 I legit love y'all❤❤❤.

So y'all know the drill:




Till the next chapter✌

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