By the time Issy was ready and had began to fidget well over two hours had passed and she was about to attempt a call out when a large vehicle pulled up behind hers. She remained in the vehicle as two males got out and bowed at the waist. The action was decidedly vampire in greeting but Issy still got out with her gun at the ready but pointing down. The taller male stepped forward and Issy immediately recognized him as, Simon, the son of the innkeeper at the resort she had left just that evening. He was a young, bright-faced male with pale skin and reddish brown hair peaking out of the hat he wore. They had been introduced when Issy first came to the remote area partially because of her rank and the Innkeeper's uncertainty with the meaning of her presence there. To be sure the resort was accustomed to the odd warrior staying there to acclimatize to the cold and terrain but it seemed that Issy's rank had made them uncertain. They also belonged to a different House so the Innkeeper saw herself as ambassador and caretaker. Issy put the gun away and went back to her vehicle to grab her bag.

"I bid good evening once more to the Lady Isalinah," Simon said with a big smile. He eagerly stepped forward to help Issy with the door.

"Good evening, Simon, I did not expect you to come," Issy responded, "but it is good to see a familiar face." She added when she realized the male's bright face had fallen.

"I hope you didn't have to wait long, we were delayed," Simon added making a covert glance back. The male behind had not come forward to be introduced and seemed to be standing guard.

Issy supposed as a stranger to their House, a guard was sent to ensure Simon's safety but Simon had mentioned that his father was a Highguard and he was well trained. Issy didn't really have time for speculation, so she pushed all suspicions aside and focused on the handover. A few minutes later her SUV was on its way without incident, and the large 4x4 truck following close behind. Once they had rounded the bend Issy turned and walked several meters to the left before angling in and disappearing into the dense forest.

Less than 30 minutes had passed but Issy was now sure that she was being followed. There was a possibility, she supposed that another had joined the trial behind her, but each House on the continent had their own route to the Institute and one didn't approach another on the trial unless the journey had been undertaken together or someone was in need of assistance. This follower was acting suspicious and Issy had not noticed him or her until she had lose her footing on some a patch of sleek ice. As she had paused to steady her heart rate that had spiked because of the almost fall, she had noticed the extra foot steps.

Vampires, by nature, had much better hearing, smell and sight that humans especially in the dark. The quiet of the cold autumn night only amplified her senses, the threat of possible danger, along with her training push them to a fevered pitch. Issy resisted the urge to turn and look for a pursuer, she didn't want him or her to know she was on to them. Unfortunately, she was up wind so she couldn't scent the vampire. She was sure only a vampire could be following her because no torches was visible and no human could keep up with her pace on foot at night. That left two possibilities, either a foolish untrained trillseeker was trying to make it to the Institute or someone highly trained was following her.

If memory served her well, Issy recalled, she would soon reach a small clearing that was approximately 25 meters across. She could use that to get a sighting of her follower. As she got nearer to the clearing, Issy picked up her pace ever so slightly so she could reach the other side of the clearing and hide behind the underbrush to get a glance of whoever was following her.

Once Issy reached the other side of the clearing, she removed her pack and pulled out the bow and short arrows that her father had insisted she take along with her. Issy sent a small thanks to the gods that be for her father foresight and took up position at a spot that gave her a clear sight of the open clearing. Issy was must calmer than she thought she would be with a stranger on her heels and what she was sure would be poor cell reception. However, Issy chose to take deep slow breaths to preserve her calm but her breathe still caught in her throat as a tall slender figure emerged from the circumference of the clearing. Definitely trained Issy determined as the individual seemed to emerge from the forest like a predatory cat. No sound or wasted movements to avoid the foliage around them. Issy hestitated as she watched the stranger bend down and inspect her tracks. What's you next move, Issy wondered as the stranger rose again and looked around the forest.

"The Lady Isalinah, it is I, Lady Samyah, don't shoot me." The stranger proclaimed to the forest as a hold before removing the hood of her coat and the skie mask from her head allowing long jet black hair to fall free and the pale beautiful face to show.

The female turned in slow circles allowing her face to be visible from all angles. Relief flooded her senses as she saw the familiar face of her teacher's daughter. Issy's blood, only seconds ago, chilled with fear, started to bubble with hot anger. How long had Samiyah been tracking her, she wondered angerly.

"What the actual fuck is going on here?" Issy spat out as she emerged from her hiding spot.

"Why are you following me, who sent you to follow me?" Issy questioned the female as she left her vantage spot to confront the female. Lady Samyah is the eldest child of Rulal and Lord Hayden and she resembled her mother save for the colour of her eyes. She has the same long lean build and beautiful face with angular cheekbones. It was also no small secret that Isalinah and Samiyah no longer got along, they had never been exactly friends but Issy had always looked up to the elder female. Well, Issy reminded herself, that was before she had broken her brother's heart. Samyah had taken a 25 year contracted position as the third to the Captain of the Highguard of House Nakanoah, a House location on the opposite side of the North American continent. It had been a gut wrenching blow to her brother who had not seen the move coming. The male had been heart broken, he still was too some degree, she reminded herself, they simply never talked about it. Sighing deeply, Issy turned to retrieve her pack and jacket, it was too cold for this shit and she had lose precious time setting up this trap.

"Why are you following me, Samyah?" Issy barked behind her. The female had given up all pretences and was now trailing a few paces behind Issy.

"I wanted to talk-" Samyah began, but Issy cut her off.

"We haven't spoken in well over a year so what can we possibly have to talk about." Issy could feel herself becoming more and more upset. Who would have the nerve to send Samyah to her. She was almost totally sure it wasn't Arion, he couldn't make full sentences whenever her name was mentioned so the idea that he had spoken to her was inconceivable. Her mother was on her son's side and had all but cast Samyah out. Raphael could have gotten anyone else to track Issy down if he needed to, Issy mused. Then the most obvious answer came to mind; May.

"It was May who sent you out here wasn't it?" Issy turned on her heels as the question flew from her. She wanted to see the female's reaction. Several emotions seemed to roll over Samyah's pretty face before she simply nodded in answer.

"Why?" The question sat between the females as they stared hard at one another. From some strange reason, Issy realised, Samyah seemed to think the answer was obvious. But as Issy kept that hard stare up, Samyah was losing confidence and time it would seem. She had checked her watch twice since joining Issy on this hike. It was weird, Issy decided, what was she up to. Samyah sighed deeply after another watch check before speaking.

"We have to go," She finally said.

"I am well aware of how much time has passed since I started the trail. We will simply have to spend the day in a cave or something..." Issy trailed off as she actually allowed her eyes to roan over the female. She was dressed for the weather but she wasn't carrying supplies. While it was possible to hunt, only a fool would embark on this trail without a single supply. That meant Samyah never had any intention of completing this trail. She may be a idiot where relationships were concerned but Samyah was a great warrior with a brain on her shoulders. One wasn't offered and allowed to retain the position of third to the Captain of the Highguard if she was stupid.

"What's going on Samyah, where do we have to go?" Issy asked again. This time she there was no anger in her voice as little threads of fear made there way into her thoughts. Something was wrong, Issy thought as she waited for Samyah's answer.

"No!" Samyah exclaimed as she realized the fear forming on Issy's face.

"Nothing like that, everyone is fine, healthy last I checked," Samyah went on is what Issy assumed was intended as a reassuring tone. It had the desired effect as her heart rate returned to normal and her anger reared its head once more.

"Then what are you doing here because you don't have any supplies for this trip and you keep checking your watch like you have a train to catch?" Issy demanded once more and the female actually smiled a little like she had been told a naughty like joke while out in public.

"Not a train exactly.."

Since such a long time pasted between Chapter 24 and 25 being uploaded, I thought it only fair to put this one out today. I hope you enjoy it.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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