Ch. 11 ➖ Bourbon

Start from the beginning

Seeing that no one was in the area, they both sneakily walked towards the front of the machines and dispensed 2 cups of spiked drinks, one for each of them.

They both took a big gulp from the cups.

"How is it?" Yoongi asked seeing that Jisoo took the cup with lemon juice and bourbon.

"Not bad... But not good." She commented then she took another sip from the cup to confirm it and yes, it wasn't that good. "How about that one?" She asked him who have already emptied out his bottle in two gulps.

"It's okay... The iced tea diluted the taste of the alcohol." He answered as he took another serving this time from the machine where the bourbon was.

Silence enveloped the two as they watched the crowd dancing to the beat of the latest Taylor Swift Song. It was a welcomed silence, Jisoo thought, given that she doesn't exactly have anything to say to the boy next to her.

"So tell me, why is Taehyung's lapdog not with him today?" Yoongi spat out of nowhere.

Jisoo almost choked on her drink due to the sudden remark from the boy beside her. She slowly turned towards Yoongi eyeing him, clearly offended by his remark.

Is this guy serious? She tried to control her emotions and thought of a better comeback. And then she smirked, "Well, I heard that the lapdogs' convention would be here in the refreshment area. Am I right Jennie's C*Cker Spaniel?" The boy looked at her irritatedly.

She raised her glass towards him asking for a toast. Her smirk never leaving her face as she was happy that she struck a nerve.

Yoongi scoffed as he chugged another glass of the alcohol in one go. He wiped his mouth using his arms. "Don't you dare put me on the same category as you." He warned.

Jisoo laughed at him, "Pray tell, what makes you different from me? I know you've been longing to be by her side. But you can't, can you? Don't you think I don't notice those longing glances you give her?"

Yoongi this time looked at Jisoo clearly annoyed by her frankness. "First and foremost, Ms Kim, Jennie is my friend. Then she is also my ex, so that means that once upon a time I was the one by her side." He said angrily but sadness came right after as he remembers the moments that they've shared when they were together.

"I cared for her. I still care for her. That's something you can't take away from me. And that's the thing that set me apart from you, a simple lapdog following  her master." He continued with disdain.

Jisoo returned his gaze. She flashed him with her mischievous smirk. "So you're her friend, her ex and you care for her. That's it? That sets you apart from me." Jisoo laughed loudly making the boy look at her weirdly.

When she finally composed herself, she continued, "He is my friend, he is my ex and of course I care for him. Cheers to the lapdogs!" She raised her glass towards him raising her brows and smirking.

Yoongi suddenly felt a tinge of disgust in the revelation that Taehyung and Jisoo were in a relationship before. "Don't you find it weird that you're living with your ex and isn't it funny that he is with somebody else?"

"Why is it weird though? As you said, it was once upon a time. It was so long ago that both of us have already moved on. Some circumstances just can't be avoided but I don't think I'll have it any other way." Jisoo looked at him seriously this time around.

"A piece of advice.. I know that I'm probably one of the last person you'd want to hear this from.." she paused as he look at him to make sure that he was still listening, which he was. In fact, he was very attentive.

"...time heals, Yoongs, you're hurting now but you're feelings are valid. I understand the hate you're projecting on things around you..probably now you're projecting it on me.." she snorted a bit and continued.

"But in the future I know that you'll get over her. You'll find someone better fit with you.." she paused seeing as Yoongi suddenly raised one of his brows.

"Why, have you found someone new?" Yoongi asked curiously to somehow deflect the speech Jisoo was giving. Jisoo however just rolled her eyes at the question.

"No. But it doesn't matter. I'm really am just contented with where I am now."  She answered.

Yoongi laughed but deep inside he knew that this was the talk he actually needed to hear, a talk that he never actually had with anyone after the break up. Even his own friends were not able to console him during those times since they immediately rallied behind Jennie for emotional support. But he understands and never vocally complained because he knew that Jennie needed the support more than he did.

His face paled, well paler than his usual.

"Hey you okay?" Jisoo asked noticing the sudden change on the boys expression.

"Yeh, I'm fine... But...umm do you want to come with me outside. I think I need fresh air." He asked.

"Uhmm. Sure, I guess." Jisoo reluctantly agreed so she left her cup on the table.

Before heading out, Yoongi scrimmaged his bag and revealed a bond paper. He taped the paper on the spiked containers.

"18 and up only." Jisoo read out what was written on the crumpled sheet of paper. She laughed a bit, "you planned this out before hand, didn't you? I'm not sure if you're a good kid or a bad one." She noted.

"There are kids here. I can't just let them have those spiked drinks. Also, Jeremy is here." He admitted as he was really worried by Jennie's little brother.

"Well then, because of that I shall, I shall call you Sugar. Because it is good but then again it's bad for the health. It's a contradiction, just like you are." Jisoo joked.

"Please don't call me that. Please.. it sounds like it's an endearment." Yoongi refused the nickname given to him.

"Oh you're right. Then I shall just call you Suga then.. you know, sugar minus the R because R is for romance." Jisoo laughed again as they were headed out the tent's exit.

"Whatever." Yoongi was done with the conversation.

Yoongi continued to head out towards the dark side of the park where the lights coming from the party are not able to reach.

"Hey Yoongi, where are we heading exaaa..." Jisoo was not able to finish her sentence when a wooden stake protruded from her back to her belly.

Blood dripped from her mouth as she tried to remove the stake completely but before she was able to do that another one was lodged on her left shoulders, just an inch away from her heart. If it was her heart, she would have died on the spot.

Before she lost consciousness, she heard a voice saying, "Thank you Yoongi for  your assistance." Then she completely blanked out.

"What the hell have you done!" Yoongi was frantic as he thought he witnessed a murder.

"Don't worry, she's not dead... Yet." Jimin smirked as he picked up the body and carried Jisoo over his shoulders.

"This is not what we have discussed!" Yoongi tried to grab Jisoo's unconscious body from Jimin.

"Well I thought that you will not be able to go through with the plan, seeing how good your conversation was with her earlier. So I have thought of an alternative." Jimin admitted but was unfazed by Yoongi's attempts to take the body.

"The hell?! Just give her to me. She needs the ambulance right now!" Yoongi screamed frustratedly to which Jimin laughed.

"Oooh, you don't know what she is, don't you?" Jimin said tauntingly but laughed again.

"What?" Yoongi asked confused.

"I don't have time to explain. Any minute now she'll wake up and the both of us will be dead when that happens." Jimin turned around.

"Oh by the way, thank you for giving me the key to that place." Jimin waved and vanished leaving a dumbstruck Yoongi who was confused of what had transpired.

End of Chapter➖

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