Nightmare-cute, sad

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For football___ hope you like it <33

"okay babies, let's go to bed" Y/N said to her kids that were sitting on living room floor playing with their toys

Delilah being three years old and James being a year older than his sister. Y/N and Mason were only 19 when Y/N got pregnant with James but they never questioned their kids. Being young parents to their to kids was their favourite job, beside Mason's football of course.

"Del, Jamie" she called her kids from the first stair waiting for them to come over her

"come on" she said walking towards them as they didn't listen to her

"do you want to see daddy?" Y/N asked standing in front of Delilah and James who still didn't pay attention to her

"okay, we can spend the whole night here if you want so" Y/N said sitting down on couch

"but that means daddy won't be home for longer...he said he will be home when you woke up in the morning but if you won't go to sleep I will need to inform him" she said and then her older one looked at her

"am I informing dad you wasn't listening to me or that you were good kids going to sleep immediately just to see him as soon as possible?" I asked and James ran towards stairs waiting for his mum and sister

"let's go Del" he said to his sister and then she looked at him walking towards him

She didn't seem good and that worried  Y/N, she didn't know what was happening to her daughter but she could guess she was just missing her dad a lot since he hasn't been home for couple of days.

It past midnight when Y/N went to toilet to overhear her daughter crying and sobbing.

She quietly entered her room walking towards her bed as Delilah was as a little ball wrapped in her duvet crying and sobbing.

"Del, what's wrong?" Y/N asked putting her hand on her daughter's shoulder but soon enough Delilah slapped her mother's hand away

"what's wrong love? Did you dream something bad?" Y/N asked trying to pull her daughter's hair away from her already soaked face and that's when Delilah jumped away from her mum

"DON'T TOUCH ME" Delilah shouted at her mum what really confused Y/N, her kids never raised their voices until now, Y/N not Mason ever had need to raise their voices on their kids and this just affected bad on Y/N

"what's wrong Delilah?" Y/N asked

"I HATE YOU...I WANT DAD NOT YOU" Delilah shouted through sobs and Y/N until now never felt bigger pain in her heart

"Del, dad is going to be home in the morning, I pro-"

"don't promise me, you promised you will never leave and you did so, leaving Jamie, dad and me all alone, we loved you and you left us, how could you?" Delilah said and Y/N didn't know what to say nor to do

Y/N knew her daughter clearly had bad dream which resulted this but it still hurt her and broke her heart that her daughter could even in worse dream think that her mum left her, her brother and dad.

"it was just a bad dream, I swear Delilah...I could never leave you" Y/N said as tears were filling her own eyes

"I love the three of you more than anything in this world, I could never leave you" Y/N said trying to reach hand of her daughter but she slapped her mother's hands once again

"I love only dad and I want him, not you" Delilah said and that's when Y/N gave up

Her heart couldn't stand it. She stood up from her daughter's bed walking towards doors as she heard her daughter sobbing for her dad.

Y/N turned back to her daughter once again before tears left her eyes.

She stepped one step forward and hit in something. It wasn't something it was Mason, favourite person of both of them, the person the three of them needed but Y/N and Delilah the most in this situation.

Mason wrapped his arms around Y/N's waist holding her close as she cried on his chest.

"she don't mean it" he whispered to his girlfriend leaving kiss on the top of her head looking at his daughter wrapped in duvet crying

"go back to sleep" Mason whispered to Y/N lifting her chin so he could look at her eyes

"I'll there in a minute" he said before leaving soft kiss on his girlfriend's lips

Y/N left room and Mason closed doors behind her staying alone with his daughter after couple of days. He didn't thought he would come to situation like this.

He thought he would come to all the three of his favourite people sleeping as he will go to see them leaving kisses on the top of their heads.

He thought he would wake up beside his girlfriend as his kids were jumping on their bed being happy to see their dad again after couple of days.

But of that all he came home to argument between his girlfriend and daughter, his daughter saying she doesn't love her mum, that she hate her and want only him.

He walked towards his daughter's bed and sitting on the edge of it. As soon as she realised it's her dad she hugged him crying but to her and his own surprise he pulled away from her. He didn't like the way she talked to her mum minutes ago.

"I missed you" she cried looking at her dad

"you should be asleep now but I want to hear what was that couple of minutes ago?" he asked his daughter as she just sighed

"mum left us and didn't come back, I hate her because of that" she said

"and you know that was a bad dream and not reality? Bad dream that will never become reality?" he asked raising eyebrow to his daughter as she just looked at her hands

"Mum love you more than anything, she would never leave you and you don't have right to hate her because it's her who gave you a chance to be here, to have older brother as James, to have uncles as Kai, Ben, Declan and others" Mason said

"and dad as you" she said quietly and he lightly smiled at her lifting her chin

"she gave me a chance to have kids as you and James and we are not able to hate her for anything, she's our angel" Mason said and Delilah nodded

"I'm sorry I said it" Delilah said and Mason shook his head

"you have to say that to mum, not me, you hurted her" Mason said and Delilah started crying again

"I did?.....I didn't want to.....I don't want it to hurt mum" Delilah cried and Mason just hugged her

"would you to room with me and apologize?" Mason asked leaving kiss on the top of her head as she just nodded

They stood up, Delilah took Mason's hand in hers and they walked out of her room towards Mason's and Y/N's.

Y/N was lying on bed, turned with back to doors as tears were still running down her cheeks, she never in the worst dream could think her kids are going to hate her and now her three years old daughter said that she hated her for something that didn't even happened. Y/N knew it was just a bad dream but it still hurted her.

Y/N heard doors opening and closed but she didn't react, she knew it was just a Mason who is going to lie down beside her now, holding her close to him, keeping her safe from everything bad and that's what she needed now, his arms around her, her safety.

She sobbed even more when she felt small hands wrapping around her and crying.

"I'm sorry mummy...I didn't meant it....I don't hate you....I love you so much mum.... I'm sorry for what I said" Delilah said through tears to her mum

Y/N turned around hugging her daughter tightly as they both cried in each other's arms until they fell asleep.

Mason was just standing on doorstep until he saw his favourite girls asleep. He laid down beside them hugging them both and falling asleep. He was just missing his boy with them but he didn't have heart to wake him up now when he was sleeping peacefully.

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