Lazy Day Ended With Anxiety

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For BrookieMount
I don't know how it came up like this but I think this is the longest imagine I've wrote, hope you will like it <33

B/B/F/N- Brooklyn's best friend name


It was one of those really often day in London, rainy day that made the most people to stay at home not doing anything.

Just as them today Brooklyn and Mason were the same. Since it was too rainy Mason's training got cancelled and Brooklyn thought they will finally spend the whole day together but she was wrong.

Since they woke up at 9am, Mason was already in his playroom playing games with his friends and it was now already 5 hours of him doing it and no paying attention to his girlfriend.

Just when Mason finally decided to come downstairs just to take a bottle of water Brooklyn was talking with her friend about spending the rest of the day together and she didn't hear nor saw him being there hearing everything.

"I don't know B/B/F/N, I thought we gonna spend day together since it's shitty weather and his training was cancelled but no, he closed himself in playroom, playing damn games and not paying a single bit of attention on me like I am not his girlfriend" Brooklyn said to her best friend

"okay, I'll at yours in couple of minutes" Brooklyn said and ended call standing up from couch just to face her boyfriend not being happy wih the fact she is leaving to spend day with her friend but that the same she felt the whole morning and now evening while he was playing games with his friends

She just rolled her eyes and went to hallway putting her shoes and jacket on.

When she wanted to reach for her car keys Mason took them not letting her to leave.

"give me my keys back" Brooklyn said trying to be as calm as she can

"so you can leave?" he asked and that's the first proper sentence he spoke to her today

"yes, if you can not give your girlfriend a fucking minute of attention beside those stupid games why won't I just leave so you can be all alone with your lovely games while you clearly loves them more than me" Brooklyn said and that was the moment Mason explode

"I got the damn day off because of this shitty weather and I just wanted to have a bit of fun with friends that I'm not seeing that often" he shouted what scared her because this is the first time he raised his voice on her and that caused her anxiety to show up

They met on the way noone want to meet their boyfriend/girlfriend but it was the safety for her then.

She was constantly listening to her parents yell at each other since the very young age and it caused her to be shake at the little bit louder noise and the most storm what once caused her a nerve breakdown.

One day Brooklyn had it enough of her parents and when they started to yell she ran out of house and streets away from her house.

It was rainy day, just like this today, but to make it even worse for Brooklyn's mental health it was storming.

She was sitting on the street in fear all alone getting soak until the guy ran near her seeing her sitting there, not good dressed for this weather shaking.

It was Mason, he was on the run when it started raining and he was on the way back home when he saw, now the love of his life, sitting there soaked and shaking.

He helped her to his house, he warmed her up giving her warm clothes but he didn't know that her shaking wasn't because she was cold but that it was anxiety, she was shaking because of the situation at home and then it started storming what made it even worse, her breathing was heavily and her hands were shaking.

"damn Lyn, I'm sorry, I didn't wa-" he tried to get closer to her but she somehow got a straight to run upstairs and close herself in bedroom

As soon as she locked herself in bedroom she sank down on the floor leaned against doors crying as she couldn't calm herself. She was fighting for a breath as her hands were shaking uncontrollable.

"Lyn, open the door please, don't do this to yourself" Mason said panicking as he realised she locked bedroom doors

"y-you're d-doing t-this to m-me" she sobbed shaking what made him to panick even more, he put her in this state and of course she don't want him near now

He ran downstairs calling her best friend because that is the only thing he could do know, she knew what to do in this situation and she was probably the only person Brooklyn will want to see now.

"can you please come over, like, right away" he said on the phone and Brooklyn's best friend could guess what is happening so she didn't ask anything

Couple of minutes later front doors went opened and closed signalling Brooklyn's best friend was here as Mason was walking through hallway panicking not knowing what to do.

"what happened?" B/B/F/N asked seeing Mason upstairs on hallway

"she is in, I caused her anxiety attack and I don't know what to do now" he asked as tears filled his eyes

"go downstairs, drink water and wait in living room" she said and he walked downstairs

It past half an hour when he heard footsteps getting closer to him as he was sitting on couch cursing the moment he raised voice on her.

"I-I'm s-sorry" he heard Brooklyn's soft voice and he immediately stood up hugging her tightly

"no, I'm so damn sorry, I don't know what came into me" he said and cupped her face

"are you okay?" he asked and she nooded as he just hugged her once again not letting her go

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