Pissed off

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For football___ in my other book

Being a mother of two kids, little girl at the age of 2 and little boy that was two years older, is definitely not easy, the most when you have to take care about them always alone because you're boyfriend is constantly outside of house at trainings and matches.

"Please stop, I know you are missing daddy but this won't help" I said really pissed because they are not listening what I am telling them

They've been missing Mason a lot now because he has been outside of country and he hasn't been home for three days now.

The worst of everything is that they don't sleep through night what is leaving me without sleep too. They are complaining about food even if I am giving them what I know they love the most but they are making mess everytime they are eating. When it comes to playing they are always fighting for toys while always before they were sharing everything.

I know this all affects on them, not seeing their dad, but it's also pissing me off. I miss Mason a lot, from just being here and help me with kids to the life we had before I got pregnant with Leo. I got pregnant with only 19 while Mason was 20 and on the top of his international strength what really changed us but having these two makes us really happy, when they are not in a bad mood as now.

"Leo stop" I said trying to take toy from his hands that he just took away from Millie

"why she always can have everything" he started crying crossing arms over his chest

"I'm so done" I mumbled on the edge of tears

I just wish Mason could be here now and help me with this situation because I am too tried, I didn't sleep a wink since he left which means I am more than 72 hours without sleep.

I heard keys in doors what caused me to finally let my tears.

"Millie" Leo shouted angrily at his younger sister but I didn't saw why because I stood up and walked over doors

"hey" he said softly as I just hugged him tightly crying on his chest

"what happened love?" he asked cupping my face

"no, Millie, that's mine" Leo cried out loud

"I can't come on the end with this" I said and he kissed my forehead leaving his bags in hallway and walking towards living room where Millie and Leo were arguing

"hey, you two" I heard Mason said but soon enough I heard some toy hitting wall

"why did you do that?" Mason asked and I walked towards living room to see what is happening

"if I can't have it then she can't have it either" Leo said angrily

"STOP" Mason said loudly

"THESE TOYS ARE OF BOTH OF YOU, YOU'RE SHARING IT, NOT BREAKING IT BECAUSE ONE OF YOU HAVE IT LONGER THAN THE OTHER ONE" he said loudly taking all toys away from both of them what made the three of us to froze

He never reacted like this before, he never raised voice to me nor his kids and this really surprised me.

"LEO STOP" he yelled at his son grabbing toy from his hands and putting it in their toy box closing it

"when you decide to say sorry to each other and share your toys again, you will get them back, until then you won't see it" Mason said and stood up leaving his kids on the floor without any toy

"I will just take a shower" he said to me and kissed my forehead before he went upstairs with toy box

I didn't know what to do, I just sat on the couch looking at my kids, each of them on different side of living room, mad at each other, no crying, not saying a word.

"Millie" I heard Leo sobbing few moments later and tears left my eyes again

This time I didn't do anything, I just stayed on couch looking at both of them and waiting to see what is going to happen

"Millie" he said crawling towards his sister as I followed him with my gaze until I saw Mason on the last stair drying his hair with towel

"I'm sorry" I heard Leo and I looked down at them, Leo was sitting in front of Millie as she was looking down at her feet

"I didn't want to break it" he said whipping his cheeks

"I will ask uncle Ben if he can buy you a new one" he said and pulled her in hug as Mason entered living room looking at them surprised

He looked at me and I lightly smiled at him.

"are we okay again?" Leo asked and Millie just nodded what caused smile to appear on his lips

Mason sat beside me pulling me closer to him as he was putting cartoons on causing Leo and Millie to climb on the couch.

"I'm not leaving for this long anytime soon" Mason said quietly to me kissing the side of my head before Millie climbed on his lap

Millie definitely has better relationship with Mason while Leo had it with me but today, actually the last three days, they both really pissed me off.

The next morning I woke up with Mason's empty side of bed. I groaned to myself and opened my eyes going to Leo's and Millie's room not finding any of my kids there.

I got worried until I walked downstairs finding them in living room playing while cartoons were playing on TV.

I went to kitchen finding Mason making breakfast for the four of us.

I couldn't help myself and I leaned against wall looking at him and smiling.

"you know you can come closer, I don't bite" he said without even looking at me, he felt me staring at him

I walked towards him wrapping my arms around his torso and resting my head against his back.

"I missed you" I said kissing his back as light groan left his mouth

"I missed you more" he said and turned around to face me

"you haven't sleep?" he asked

"until last night no" I said as he was cupping my face and I held his wrists

"before I came home yesterday I called my mom, I'm driving them there this evening" he said leaning his forehead against mine

"we will have the whole weekend for each other" he said as I closed my eyes feeling my heart beating faster

Mason Mount One Shots ©️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora