Once I finish with that I head out to my room again and search through the closet for a suitable outfit. After many options I settle for black dress pants and a black button down with red heels.

I slip into my outfit and head to my vanity to go hair and makeup. I grab my hair dryer and begin on my hair. When that's done I decide to wear no other makeup aside from some red lipstick Pietro got me a while back.

On cue I heard my brother shout, "Wanda! The limousine is here!"

I grab my phone, some money and house keys off the bed side table and walk downstairs. When I get to the last step my brother was grabbing his suit jacket and heading for the door. I follow behind him and lock up before jogging towards the car.

I climb in through the open door and see my brother and all his fiends greeting one another.
I close the door and greet them all once Pietro finishes and go to sit between Bruce and Bucky.

Banner and I make small talk about his job as a science teacher and mine as a criminal defence lawyer until feel a large hand being placed onto my knee. I turn around and see Bucky smiling at me so I smile back and turn back to Bruce but pause when I feel his hand go further up to my thigh. I put my hand on top of his to keep it from moving further and continue my conversation with Banner.

First we stopped at a bar, then we walked to an arcade next door and our next stop is the club. I almost got caught looking at the bartender's breasts while we were at the bar, she was wearing a pride bracelet so I knew she wasn't straight but there were also 3 straight men shamelessly starting at her so she didn't notice me. At the arcade there were quite a few women that kids now a-days call MILFS but I didn't want to take away their time with their families.

Now we're in the limo in front of a strip club called Rainbow Dances. Bucky's hand was on my thigh the entire way here.

We all started getting out of the car going into the club. As soon as we enter, the smells of alcohol and perfume fills out noses, beautiful women dancing on poles, on the floor and on the laps of other people, all of them wearing some sort of lingerie.

The club wasn't sloppy, it was rated 5 starts and was fancy.

Sam leads us all to a private room with a semi circle couch and a pole in the middle. I sit on the edge and Bucky came to sit next to me. We played a few games before a first stripper of the night came into the room.

She grabbed a hold of the pole and started dancing on it. She moved so beautifully and elegantly, it's a shame people treat these women with such disrespect because of their occupation, men who are in this business as well.

Once she finishes dancing on the pole, she sits on Bucky's lap and starts grinding on him, he begins with groping her hips, thighs and breasts. The look of discomfort on her face is clear so I interrupt her dance,"Hey, we have plenty more to come, let this girl get a break."

She silently thanks me and gets off of Bucky's lap. He hands her a dollar regardless of the fact that she performed amazingly and she walks away disappointed.

We have a few drinks and with each on, Bucky seems to get more touchy but the other men are too tipsy to notice. So I get up and start walking towards the exit,"Hey doll! Where you going to?" he asks from the couch.

"Ladies bathroom." I lie and walk out to the pubic area.

I order a glass of wine by the bar from a bartender named Clint Barton. Funny coincidence. "Watch your glass kid." He warns, but it wasn't threatening, it was more of a gentle be careful type.

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