"Not mine either..." Kakashi looked down.

"Anyway, Rin gets here at 6:30 so you wanna sneak in the school? Their gonna let us in anyway" Obito

"No Obito." Kakashi stood his ground.

"Com'on! Just one little trip near the school~ the whole office is open~"

"Just wait here until the times up Obito" Kakashi smiled sadly trying to convince his stubborn

"Fine, fine. This is what I get for being friends with the nerd" Obito leaned back.

"I'm not a- oh forget it" Kakashi sighed.

Kakashi felt the cold, metal gate start to move and he looked over to see a teacher opening it. Students
rushed in and went inside the school or the nearby trees.

"Hey guys!" Rin exclaimed as she ran over in her black skirt and white hoodie, her necklace and
bracelets bopping up and down as she ran.

"Oh hey Rin!" Obito smiled.

"Yeah, yeah, can we get to class now?" Kakashi looked at his friends with a annoyed expression.

"Fine." Obito complained.

The one way Kakashi found to hide his feelings and home life was to act distant and cold
to everyone, that way no one would bother to ask. And it worked.

The three made it to their social studies class but Rins first class was English so she
ran off the corridor.

"Alright, time for 8 hours of torture" Obito walked into the class.

"Time for 8 hours of acting like everything's fine" Kakashi sighed.

The teacher rambled about something as Obito and Kakashi went to their seats. They
sat down and immediately, Kakashi got out a piece of paper to draw.

"We will have a short time of break but your assignment is to pick a partner and get
to know them more, we will have students come up and tell us what they learn, blah blah blah"

Kakashi stopped listening because he assumed Obito would tell him about this whole assignment

Kakashi was correct and Obito immediately claimed him as his partner "Okay Kakashi! You heard
the teacher!" Obito smiled.

"Unfortunately" Kakashi said, obviously bugged.

"Well I don't know a lot about you even though we've been friends for so long... how about your
crush? I have never heard you talk about a girl or anything but I sometimes get vibes~" Obito smirked.

"No way I'm telling you." The truth was that Kakashi liked Obito, he had liked Obito for years but
he's never told him because he was under the impression that Obito liked Rin. "How about you?
do you have a crush?"

"What?! No!" Obito scrunched his face looking down.

"Obito, tell me. I know that look" Kakashi looked at Obito expecting his next words to be
'I like Rin' or something. "Just tell me you like Rin and we'll be done here" Kakashi closed
his eyes.

"Hm? I don't like Rin?" Obito looked at Kakashi confused.

"What?" Kakashi looked at Obitos eyes with his usual side eye glance.

They stared at each other's eyes with confusion for a solid 5 minutes.

"But you always are so red around her?" Kakashi questioned.

"Yeah... she's actually not the reason...it's actually-"

"Alright! Free times over and we'll open our books to page 64 please" Minato called, cutting
off Obitos words.

Obikaka ( one shots )Where stories live. Discover now