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Maur finally came out.

Katelyn it was touch and go. He's in recovery and will be out for awhile.  His arm cut was stitched up as well.

I just heard. How's he doing Katelyn? He made it through so far. He's got a long recovery ahead of him. Thank you Maura. Can we see him. Tony only Katelyn can for now.  Katelyn please let him know I am here praying for the old life. I will and I will tell him you all are here too. I know if I told you to go home you wouldn't.  Please go eat at least.  Olivia you go take a nap.  Mom I am worried. Sweetie there is nothing else we can do.  Mom I am staying here.  Julian is coming with Kim with some food and a change of clothes for me. I asked cousin Avery to go buy you some clothes too and Simon some pajamas and boxers. Thanks. Not a problem.  Please tell Julian I will be in the residence room sleeping. I promise to eat auntie. You better.

Hey babe.  Don't talk Simon.  I  am okay  not feeling any pain.  You scared me and the others. Tony and the others can't see you. I saw Olivia but they had her leave. Yes she is taking a nap or bed for the night I hope here. Tony says to get better old lug. Babe what happened. You have stitches but a lun collapsed. Oh wow okay dokie. Basically everyone from our family,  friends and your coworkers are here too.. Simon you cannot get up or they will have to strap you in..they won't dare do that to a judge.

Joan appeared. 
Simon I will put a court order if I  have to.  Sorry Katelyn. I snuck with some coffee for you. Thank you. Fine . I will stay put even though I feel better.  Simon those are the drugs in you.  Once it wears off you won't be wanting to get up. I am hungry though.  Joan can you see what be can eat.  I will have it delivered or have one of my family go get something. Kim and Julian are here. They have some sandwiches,  water and coffee. Can you please ask the nurse what he can have? I will and bring you something too. Hopefully,  Tony will use his badge to get in  . Okay.

Joan left us and I kissed my husband..
Simon no dessert not for awhile per my sister.  She doesn't know.  Yes she does, she is a doctor after all.  She hasn't always been a forensic examiner. Oh!

Here comes Joan now.. I asked the nurse who wasn't happy I snucked in. He can have water and a sandwich tjets isn't too salty or spicy. I think you should go in there Tony..use your badge and take these waters, chips for Katelyn and turkey sandwiches for them.  Okay, I  didn't want to use my badge. Simon doesn't like when I do that. Too bad he needs you. He already tried to get up when I snucked in. Katelyn was telling him if he didn't stay they would strap him in.  He said they wouldn't do that because he is a judge. I told him I would do a court order if necessary.  Tony you have your cuffs on you right ? Yes.Do us all a  favor and stay the night and handcuff him.  I would love to do that. I thought you would  . Let me call my director and tell him I a some time off. I will bring their food and water after I get off my cell.

Babe thanks for bringing us food and please tell my cousin thank you for buying Simon and my mom clothes. I did. Maura went to take them to them along with some other items.
You eat and get some sleep.  Thanks please tell Kim thank you too. I will . You eat take a shower and change. I will take a shower.  Wait here, but. No you cannot come with me. I don't need a bad reputation.  Okay fine.

Olivia left and I started eating my late dinner. I needed to leave soon to fly out to go be a guest conductor.

Babe Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora