George's breaths hurt in his chest, and he sobbed. "Y-You raped me?"

The room fell silent, the only audible thing being their laboured puffs of air. Wilbur nodded, and that precious oxygen was pulled from his airways, twisting his lungs inside out. This wasn't anything George had gone through before. This was betrayal.

He howled.

George howled as loud as he could, hurting Wilbur's ears, but he didn't care, nor did he mind it when Aster started crying beneath him, gripping onto his soft fur. He howled until he felt lightheaded, desperate to breathe in and oxygenate his blood, but he wouldn't give himself the pleasure. He needed someone here with him to whisk him from this toxic revelation. He needed Dream.

Instead, a small head of rusty hair peeked over the corner into the common room, scared. Fundy looked between George's cowering frame to his father's crying one, and the pup began to tremble when he noticed the omega's hostility towards the alpha.

"D-Dad? What did you do?"

George howled again, louder. Fundy covered his ears at the scream, tears entering his eyes, but George needed someone else. He needed an adult, not some child.

There was a flash of pink and dirty blonde hair, and he felt someone trying to grab onto his snout and hold his mouth shut, silencing the deafening cries. The touch only made George more panicked, and he recoiled, pushing Aster closer to himself and baring his teeth at whoever dared to touch him.

" – George! It's me, calm down. You're safe." Green eyes bored into his own, raw and real, and George shifted into his human form, wrapping his arms around Dream and pressing his lips to his ear. He needed to make sure that the alpha heard him.

"Wilbur – two years ago –," he sobbed, gripping onto Dream's shirt. He could see a flash of pink leaning in to investigate, but George squeezed his eyes shut. "He was the one that attacked me two years ago."

George isn't sure who threw the first punch, but in a snap Dream was gone from his arms, ripping his way at Wilbur's face like how the brunette did to George's hip. Techno was trying to hold them back and stop the fighting, but it was a battle between two alphas, and it was bound to get messy.

Blood was spilling from Wilbur's nose while red dribbled from Dream's brow. Fundy scrambled for George, seeking comfort amongst the chaos, but the brunette was exactly the same, screams tearing their way from his throat and leaving him raw and empty. Fundy ended up running away and returned with Phil.

It was he who put an end to the fight. He dragged Dream, Techno and Wilbur into his office, not caring for how they nipped at one another, drawing more blood, and closed his office door with a slam. It vibrated across the whole house, right to George's very core.

He was alone again. It was cold outside.

George was told everything.

He was told about his coma and the full extent of his injuries, and the pup that had died in the process – Wilbur and George's pup.

The omega had thrown up when he had found out about his first pregnancy, being violently sick all over the floor before finally passing out into Dream's arms, sobbing.

It was calm while George was sleeping. He never wanted to leave it – never wanted to part with the beauty and utter bliss of sleepy clouds and sheep, and he briefly pondered that if death was like this, he wouldn't mind. There was no agony here, only peace. George longed for it.

He couldn't eat for a week and refused to move. He was angry – not just at Wilbur, but at Techno and Dream for keeping the truth away from him. George's stomach hurt and his head pounded while a sick part of him ached for another pup in his arms. The feeling made him throw up again. He refused to nurse Aster whenever Dream begged him.

𝓔𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓱𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓭 - 𝓞𝓶𝓮𝓰𝓪𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓮  𝓓𝓝𝓕Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora