Prologue: The Fight

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Marie was late again tonight, normally I wouldn't mind, but she's been worrying me, having to work later and later every day, she wouldn't tell me why, I felt concerned.

It was nearly 3 am this time, I sat in wait, resting my chin on my arms, after a few minutes of waiting, I started dozing off, until I heard the door unlock and click open, my shot open and my head jolted up, my wife walked in through the door, I got up and went to greet her.

"Marie, are you alright? What happened?" I asked, moving to hug her, she moved away from me, looking a little annoyed, I backed up a little, feeling hurt but I looked down.

"Everything's fine, stop hovering Feather!" Marie snapped, turning glare at me, I stared back, my grey-blue eyes against her green.

"You've been coming home later and later Marie, that's not healthy, I'm worried for you." I told her, stepping closer.

"Damn it Feather back off, you used to work there too, you know what it's like." Marie scolded, glaring down at me, I flinched back, reminded of why I quit, my niece went missing after I brought her there with my sister, we couldn't find her anywhere after that, my sister sued them for child endangerment and tensions became high between me and the company.

"Marie you know why I quit, they would've fired me anyways." I reminded, before looking to the side.

"You're dinner is in the microwave, you can reheat it whenever you're ready, I'm going to bed." I told her, turning around heading to the upstairs, moving to our bedroom.

I moved around the room, getting ready for bed, getting my nightie ready and getting changed, before I settled down into the bed, the duvet hung heavy on me as I turned off the lamp on my side, I could hear Marie shuffling about downstairs as she heated up the dinner I had made, before settling down to eat it.

After a few minutes I heard her get up and start her way up the stairs, I heard her enter the room as I pretended to be asleep, she let a small sigh, before she rustled around the room, getting ready for bed herself, before climbing into bed beside me.

I felt her gently kiss my forehead before pulling my back into her front, holding me as she settled down to sleep, I myself, wound up falling asleep not to long after in her warm grip.

The next morning when I woke up, the bed was cold outside of where I slept, I lifted my head groggily, searching around for Marie, but there was no sight of her, sitting up I rubbed my eyes free of the gunk that built up over night, before wandering around the house, searching for Marie.

When I got to the kitchen, there was a note on the counter.

Had to go into work early today, I'll be back late
Love Marie.

I stared down at the note, before I put it down with a small sigh, going about my Friday waiting for Marie to come home....

But she never did.

After that day, Marie never came home, I went to the company, but they sent me away, claiming she quit, I tried filing a missing persons report, but nothing came up, she was never found after that.

For months I cried, I never moved on, I kept tabs on my old job, hoping for some something that showed she'd come back.

Years went by, the company shut down, since everyone went missing, I never recovered from losing Marie, I thought she was gone forever.

Until I got the note.

Everyone thinks the staff
dissappeared 10 years ago

Wer'e still here.

I stared down at the strangely written note, the red crayon and misspelt words looked as if a child had wrote it, not a staff member.

Hope filled me at the words though, it meant that Marie could still be alive, I could find her.

I ran upstairs to get dressed, wearing a supernatural shirt, shorts and a denim jacket.

I grabbed some things I would need, a head lamp, a pocket knife, a backpack and some non perishable foods, crackers, biscuits, various canned foods, water bottles, pads, anything, most importantly a picture of both me and Marie, I didn't know how long I'd be down there searching, I had to find her.

I stepped out the door of the apartment, looking back at house, before turning to the picture in my hand, I put it inside my jacket's pocket, I made my way to the closed down factory, staring up at it, I let out a breathe before making my way inside, looking around.

I hade to find Marie.

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