Chapter 7

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Okey, here goes the next chapter. I enjoyed reading all your comments on the previous chapter which made me to write this lengthy chapter. It's pretty long with more than 5700 words. Hope you all enjoy it.

Next day, both got ready and went to do their respective work. Priya asked Ram to allow her to go for the last day as she is completing her one month and she will get her salary today. Ram relectantly asked her to finish everything today. Priya happily nodded at him and wished him all the best for his job hunt.

Another one week passed in an uneventful manner. Ram was starting to get worried as he is not even
getting the jobs that was first offered to him. It is going to be nearly two months but he can't seem to get a job. But Priya was always with him taking everything in a positive way.

One day, Priya was waiting for him after asking Meera ma to  sleep as it was getting late. Priya stood in their balcony pacing around nervously as he never came this late. She sighed seeing him get down from the auto but soon got worried seeing his unsteady steps. She literally ran down to go to him. She went down only to see him stumbling on the steps. She quickly ran to him and held him tightly preventing Ram from falling down on the stairs. She felt sad seeing him drunken senseless. He reeked of alcohol smell. All she wanted was to puke her gut out due to that smell but swallowed hard and helped him. She slowly took him to their house while he kept on blabbering what a loser he was.
Priya heart went out for Ram on seeing him blaming himself for everything. He is feeling sad and guilty as he is not able to provide them a better life.

Priya removed his shirt as it got little soiled. She gave him a small towel bath and made him wear a new shirt as she didn't have the power to make him bath. Priya made him sleep on the matress comfortably after a lot of struggle. She softly caressed his hair slightly. She was about to get up and go when he held her hand. Seeing him looking at her intently with his drowsy eyes Priya started enquiring him.
Priya: do you need anything?
Ram: don't leave me alone.
Priya teared up listening to his voice, he looked nothing less than a toddler who is afraid of darkness.
Priya: I'm not going anywhere.
Ram gave an innocent smile to priya which made her heart to flutter.

Priya sat beside while Ram placed his head on her lap quickly making Priya startled, but she smiled and sat there caressing his head while he slept murmuring sorry  holding her one hand close to his heart tightly.
Priya sat there throughout the night looking at him not knowing how to comfort him.

Next morning Ram got up with severe headache, he sat up little disoriented.
Priya gave the lemonade she had brought on seeing him waking up.
Ram drank it silently.
Priya: get showered first. Ma is asking for you.
Ram: Priya last nigh..
Priya: we will talk later. First get showered.
With that Priya went out leaving a guilty Ram behind.

Ram got showered and stood in the middle of his room thinking of ways to apologise Priya as he can vaguely recall what happened yesterday night. The last thing he wanted was to trouble her like that, he cursed himself for drinking senseless. Ram went out of mustering all his courage to apologise both the ladies. Ram went out to see his ma and wife waiting for him to have the breakfast. Priya talked with him like usual making him confused as he thought she would be mad at him and understood from her activity that his ma didn't know anything about last night. All three had the breakfast with light chit chat. Meera asked Ram to take rest as he looked worn out. Ram agreed and went to his room.

After a while, Priya entered the room with a pain killer. She gave the painkiller to ram who took it without a question as his headache was getting worse. Ram signalled her to sit beside him in the matress which Priya did but little relectantly.
Ram: Priya I'm sorry.
Priya: there is nothing to be sorry Mr. Kapoor.
Ram: I'm really sorry Priya. I'm sorry I disappointed you again.
Priya: this is the first time you disappointed me Mr. Kapoor.
Ram felt even more sad listening to her but was okey as she spoke truth.
Priya: I understand your reasonings, it's okey to loosen up a bit. But yesterday you were not even in your senses. You would have tumbled on the stairs if I had reached little late. You are all we have Mr. Kapoor. If you want to drink senseless, please drink in our room and I won't say a word to you or anyone but please don't do this to yourself. Be safe Mr. Kapoor. You are important to us than anything.
Priya got up in jiffy wiping her tears without waiting for his reply. Ram got up and held her hand before she can move out of their room. Priya turned to look at him while Ram wiped the tears that were again pooling in her eyes.
Ram: I'm really sorry for what happened yesterday. It will never happen again. I was just frustrated with everything, I don't know how I ended up drinking so much. I didn't mean to justify my actions. I'm really sorry Priya.
Priya: you no need to ask sorry. Just take care of yourself.
Ram held her right hand tightly in between his palms in a way to assure her. Priya smiled a little understanding him.
Priya: just have little patience Mr. Kapoor. Then everything will be alright. You will get the job you deserve.  It may take some time but surely you will get what you deserve. We will manage everything together. Don't worry about anything.
Ram: thanks for being there for me.
Priya: Mr. Kapoor.
Ram: no I'm thanking you from bottom of my heart. What your are doing for me is something no one have done for me. You are the first person apart from ma who genuinely care for me. Thank you Priya. If I have met you earlier I wouldn't have understand the real value of your care priya but Now it's a different case. you really don't know what this means to me.

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