the island of demons

Start from the beginning

(Y/n): I promise to try and keep her safe to the best of my abilities

Mrleonhart: thank you young man

Annie: we have to go

(Y/n): yes Zeke told me to bring you to them so lets go

Turning both you and Annie left Mrleonhart on the floor he was still crying

(Y/n): he cares about you doesn't he

Annie: yes and I care about him we're the only family the other has

(Y/n): so family is meant to care for eachother

Annie looked at you clearly confused by what you mean

(Y/n) thoughts: does this mean I don't have a family as no one cares about me like that

Annie: why did you accept his request you don't do anything unless ordered to you don't even eat unless your told to

(Y/n): I'm not sure

Annie: maybe I missed judged you your not just a rich machine

(Y/n): what do you mean?

Annie: just now you seemed more human then I've ever seen

(Y/n): is that a good thing?

Annie: you'll just have to figure it out yourself

Making it to the gate Annie had to stop and fill out some documents to allow her outside the Eldian zone

Guard: that's everything your all set to go

When the two of you finally made it back to base you found Magath with a really fancy car waiting for you

Magath: (y/n) you aren't in trouble as Zeke explained why you were missing but Mrs Leonhart this is very unlike you

Annie: I apologise sir I had some family matters to attend to

Magath: that's what yesterday was for now both of you in the car It's time to leave!

Magath basically threw both you in the car with Marcel Reiner and Bertholdt

Magath: get moving and let them know to make the announcement

Driver: yes sir

The soldier driving the car grabbed a communication device form the car and spoke into it

As the car left the military base speakers that were normally used in evacuation scenarios began to screech as a woman's voice came out

Woman: greetings to all residents of Marley the military has some important news, today heading to the docks is a car filled with some of our brave Warriors who shall be going to the island of devils to end the threat once and for all

Around cheers filled the streets as people came running to find the Warriors going to the island

People cheered and waved at you They all looked like a great weight of stress had finally been removed

Reiner and Marcel began waving to the Marleyans with big grins

(Y/n): sir do we have to make such a spectacle of this

Magath: yes it's a way of increasing Morale throughout the city

(Y/n): I understand sir

To you it felt like a eternity till the car reached the docks allowing you to escape all the noise and eyes

For some reason you couldn't understand all those people looking at you with such joy and hope made your spine shiver

You'd never experienced people being glad to see you like this even Pieck didnt act like that when she saw you and she was the closest thing to a friend you had

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