Chapter 4. Execute Sanity 

Start from the beginning

"Is that a blueprint?!." Daniel ask as Elijah lift the cripple paper in his hand and held it out.

"Seems to be..but not official..that group we saw..they must have did this."

"The ones in that room you two came out were others before us." Daniel spoke quietly.

"You said before your looking for someone.." Tessa began to speak before Elijah butted in.

"Look closely at this..there's and x here..which I'm assuming is our location..but there nothing indicating that there a stairwell down that hall..yet the sign saids there is.."

"You two mention that your group mates ran in that direction..if this map is accurate..and there not back here due to a dead end.." Daniel turn his head and look down the hall. The ceiling lights were either dim or broken, dangling down as cords were snap and tangle together.

"It's so creepy..but..we should take a look..right?." Tessa nearly whisper as she wrap her arms around her thin body.

"If your to scare could stay here while we look." Elijah spoke as he knew by the expression forming on her face what her answer was going to be.

"Are you crazy. I'm not staying here by myself."

"Okay than..shall we go than?."

"All of these hallways look the same. Nothing writing nor any signs saying what floor is which..whoever's behind this really wants there prisoners to lose all hope of leaving."

Currently in a zigzag form hallway, Rylee walk alone as she continue her investigation on finding out what exactly kind of place she has winded up at. Oak doors stood five feet apart on either side of the grey concrete walls. Though, one stood out as it was ajar a few inches, knob broken off as it sat in a small pool of red liquid. Walking closer to the door, she use the toe of her shoe to push the door open fully.

With her arm rested on the door she use the other one to search for a light switch. However with no luck. She poke her head in, though, the room was pitch dark, groaning out of frustration, she took the risk and walk in. As she took a few steps forward, her foot slips as her body drastically falls forward, with her arms unknowingly moving in front of her chest to brace herself for the floor, her body land hard as silent groans escape her parted lips. A loud groaning sound echo through the room as she roll over onto her back before sitting up, a stinging feeling crossed her lower leg. Looking down on the floor, only lying a couple inches away from her boot, a poorly made weapon made with iron bars and duck tap laid there with a few drops of blood next to it.

"Damn least it's just a scratch."

Examining the room on her ass, Rylee notice how a blood trail was leading some where, although since there was no light to be found so far in the room, she couldn't tell what it could be leading too. She tilt her head while leaning back to crack a few bones before attempting to stand back up to get a better look.

"So much blood ye-."

However, as she lean back she could feel the bare part of her waist touch something strange, she slowly turn her torso and look down. Arms and legs sprawl in different directions. With multiple Stab wounds in the stomach area. A lifeless girl laid there with her eyes still widen. Mouth gape as like trying to catch her last breath. While tears stain her pale cheeks.

Moving slowly, Rylee groan a bit as she got to her knees. Her eyes carefully trail over the girls body.

"She's still..she hasn't been here for long..the blood pool is still fresh."

Standing up with a few curse words escaping her chap lips, As she stands up and crakes her back a few more times, her eyes drift over to what looks like a white long sleeve shirt under some broken wood. Picking up the shirt she tears it while looking at the body as she began tieing it around the small cut wound on her leg.

"If this is yours. I'm sorry but I kinda need to borrow it."

After finishing the knot. She continue to look around the room. Only broken wood and a busted wall where the iron bars must been pull out of to make the weapon that cut her when she slip on the floor.

"You aren't either Kayla or Alice..that means there others stuck here..but do I even want to meet who you arrive here with..there's no way one of those creatures did this to you?." Rylee spoke as she face the girls body, using what was left of the shirt, she place over the girls lifeless face.

"You might be lucky to had that fate."

Before walking out of the room, she glance down at the tape weapon, picking it up and undoing the tape, she held onto on of the iron bars. Walking out of the room and back into the hallway. She look both ways before continue to head in the direction she originally was heading. Examining the walls and ceilings. The sudden realization that security cameras and voice boxes were hung up in that hallway caught the girls attention.

"So..whoever is behind this is watching..sick bastards." Rylee mutter as she glare up at the camera that was facing her before looking back down to notice how she now either has to go right or left. The quiet sounds of something clashing against the floor echo through the hall she stood in. Holding the steel bar tightly in her hand. She listen carefully to which exact direction the sound was coming from. Though, she sigh heavily as she heard voices. One particular she recognize. turning her head, figures emerge from the shadows of the hallway to her right. A tiny grin appear on her lips as she look straight at the hazel eyed boy.

"See's we meet again..Daniel."

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