wheekook • period

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He was the first one to pull away and open up the door so they could both step inside. He had a smile on his lips to let her know that he wasn't upset. She laughed a little while nodding and walking into the apartment. "Yeah, I forgot to charge it last night," she replied with a shake of head.

"Tell me about your day now, then," Jungkook said as he closed the door and waited for her to take off her outer layer of clothes.

"You didn't hear anything of what I said?" Wheein asked as she bent down and took off her shoes, shortly after followed by her jacket. He shook his head and she once again began her explanation of how difficult it had been to record the songs while they both settled down on the couch.

"Can I hear it?"

Wheein hesitated at Jungkook's question. She wasn't very confident in the work she had done, and when combining that with Jungkook's immaculate singing skills, all that was left was just bad nerves.

"I mean.." Wheein started with flickering eyes, "today was only day 2 of recording, so it's not that good yet and-"

"Babe." Jungkook chuckled a little and grabbed both of Wheein's hands, getting her full attention at the action. "It's just me, okay? I'm not asking you to publish it before you're satisfied. I'm just interested because I love you." He smiled wholeheartedly and Wheein's cheeks gained a light pink color.

"Okay.. I suppose that's true," she whined, still not very satisfied with having to show him.

"Mhm?" He raised his eyebrows and pecked her lips softly.

"Let me just go get my computer then," she said, briefly laying a hand upon his cheek before getting up from the couch and heading towards the entrance where she had placed her tote bag. She took a deep breath before returning to her anticipating boyfriend with her laptop in hand. "Don't expect much, alright?"

Jungkook hung his arm loosely around her shoulder once she was seated, and placed a kiss on the top of her head. Not receiving an answer from him, Wheein set up the computer, well-knowing that he would be expecting it to be good.

She bit her bottom lip as she opened up the email from her producer and clicked play on the audio.

As soon as she heard her own voice through the recording, she wanted to dig a hole and hide in it forever. And it wasn't that she was uncomfortable with it being Jungkook who listened to it - no, she was just embarrassed. Embarrassed of her voice. And when feeling self-conscious, it was easy for her to point out everything she did wrong.

But until the song was over, she kept silent, sometimes closing her eyes when her tone bugged her the wrong way.

"Why are you always so hard on yourself?" Jungkook asked once the music faded out. "It was really great!"

Wheein hid her face in the palms of her hands while letting out an annoyed grunt. "It wasn't!" she objected, hearing Jungkook sigh in the background. She soon after felt his hands on her shoulders, twisting her body to meet his and forcing her hands away from her eyes.

"Darling," Jungkook said while raising an eyebrow, gaining a short giggle from Wheein at the nickname. "You're so amazing. How long will it take for you to realize?" She swallowed a lump and looked down, something Jungkook wouldn't allow as he cupped her face in his hands.

"I have realized.." she mumbled stubbornly, making the man before her laugh a little.

"Then why won't you admit that that recording-" he tilted his head towards the computer on the coffee table, "-is actually good?" She shrugged and snaked her arms around his neck.

"Iiiii just feel like my work was lacking a bit today. It's like my voice wasn't really collaborating."

Jungkook smiled and pecked her nose. "You did a good job." She wanted to interrupt, but as soon as she had opened up her mouth, Jungkook pressed a finger against her lips. "Period."

Jungkook put an end to the laughter she had let out by pressing his lips against hers in a soft kiss. She allowed him to, and kissed back with an equal amount of tenderness, their lips moving slowly against each other and their hands grabbing on to the other, as if afraid that if they let go, it would all disappear.

Jungkook slowly started leaning in further, laying more weight on Wheein and lastly making her fall backwards onto the couch, their lips never breaking apart.

His hands found their way down her body, leaving small touches of love while he hummed softly against her lips. She let out a sigh as he lifted up the bottom of her t-shirt and his slightly cold hands came in contact with the skin of her stomach.

His hands moved down further, reaching her hips, pulling at her jeans, and that's when Wheein broke away from the kiss and took ahold of his hands. "Jungkook, speaking of period.." His eyes widened and he immediately let go, resulting in Wheein letting out a small chuckle. "It's okay, just.. let's not go further than this, m'kay?"

He laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, sorry.."

"Don't apologize," Wheein said and sat up in the couch, hand grabbing onto his. "I just told you it was okay. How long will it take for you to realize?" She tilted her head slightly to the side while repeating the words she had been told by the younger, a grin on her face.

Jungkook, on the other hand, started blushing - something Wheein found extremely adorable. "Let's head to bed now, eh?" Jungkook chuckled, already halfway off the couch. Wheein grabbed his hand in an attempt of making him stay, but he simply started running to their bedroom. He would always do this, would always just run away every time he got flustered. But Wheein didn't mind. It just added to him being cute.

"Honeyyyy!" she complained, leaving the living room with a sigh. "You're so childish."

Jungkook, already laying in their bed, sat up quickly with widened eyes. "I am not!" Wheein laughed and made her way to the bed, crawling on top of him with a smile.

"You are," she said, connecting their lips shortly. "Period."

I've just realized that I always write these oneshots from the girls' pov. I don't even know how come, it just.. happens, bahhaha

Also, I'll be going on a trip soon (yay), so for the next week or so, I won't be able to update - but! I promise you that as soon as I'm home, I'll take care of the last requests and be a better author for you guysss <3

And holy crap, 800 reads??!?! You have no idea how much I appreciate all the reads, votes and comments - ily!

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