hwamin • always loved you too

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//AN: A hwamin story as requested! Note that when the text is in cursive like this, it's a flashback.//


"Hyejin-ah! We have visitors, so get down here!" Hyejin let out a deep sigh while closing her eyes shortly. The last thing she wanted to do was to be a part of another family gathering. She always had to be introduced to new people and it was honestly exhausting. But she knew that if she refused to go, she would not go a day without her parents' bickering - so she walked out of her room and down the stairs, unwillingly and with heavy steps.

"Ah, Hyejin! The last time I saw you, you were about this tall." A tall man made a gesture with his hand, indicating exactly how small the girl had been the last time he saw her. She, however, had no memory of ever laying her eyes upon the man.

"This is my old colleague, Park Dohyun." Hyejin turned her eyes once her father started speaking and nodded slowly at his explanation.

"Ahh, hello." She bowed lightly as a sign of respect and as a form of greeting him. He simply smiled at her with kind eyes and stepped slightly to the side, so a boy was now in sight. Hyejin looked at him curiously. He seemed to be around her age, but she had definitely never seen him before.

"This is my son. Jimin, say hello to Hyejin," Dohyun demanded with a smile as he once again turned to look at Hyejin and her family. The boy, now known to Hyejin as Jimin, stepped forward a little and looked at her with big, glistening, beautiful eyes.

"Hello, I'm Jimin. Nice to meet you."  The boy bowed and Hyejin did the same in return. She couldn't help but smile. He was.. cute.


The buzzer on Hyejin's desk was painfully sharp, hitting her eardrum unpleasantly. With a roll of her eyes and a sigh coming through from between her lips, she pressed down the black button. "Yes?"

She heard her secretary clear his throat on the other side of the line. "Ms. Ahn, we have someone who wants to see you. A Mr. Park." Her eyebrows knitted together in confusion. She didn't have any scheduled meetings today and she rarely had 'visitors' this late in the evening. "Should I let him in?" She glimpsed a couple of times with her eyes before sitting up straight in her seat and nodding to no one in particular.

"Yes, let him in."

She soon heard the familiar click at the entrance of her office, the click that let her know that someone twisted the doorknob and was on their way. Her secretary entered first, then followed by a handsome male who really took his time in observing the room before his eyes landed on Hyejin, a smile spreading on his face.

When locking eyes with him, Hyejin's throat constricted into one big lump and she felt her breathing hitch. Could it really be...?


The sound of the doorbell made Hyejin jump up from her bed and rush out of her room. "I'll get it!" she loudly informed as she hurried down the stairs, an excited smile on her lips. Ever since Jimin had started at her school, they'd been hanging out on every possible occasion and this day was no exception.

The front door flew open and she was met by a smiling and rather shocked Jimin. "Hey!" he said and stepped inside while ruffling up Hyejin's hair with a grin.

"Hi!" she answered and gestured for him to follow her once she started going up the stairs. "I'm so far behind with our English assignment! That stupid language doesn't even make sense." She pouted and went inside her room, a laughing Jimin closing the door behind them.

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