Y/N: Yeah, same

With that she got her hand bag and left. As I locked the door, 

Y/N: If only, you knew your sweet bestie is actually a monster

I wanted to forget that part of my life even though that was years ago. But the guilt has never left either.

I ate the breakfast Lisa gave me while eating I saw the clock on the wall and almost fell off my couch. It's 11:25 God, how long have I been out for? I don't feel like going to college today and get another lecture on being late. I'll just say it was a sick day or something , I thought checking my phone.

After about 2 hours of watching some cringey reality tv show. Lisa's in college, while I'm here dying of boredom. I was going through my phone when a particular contact caught my eye, ...............

My future boyfie( it's Jungkook, I don't think I have to explain this but ok)

Should I, 

I did

YN: Hey, are you free today?

 I texted him, waiting nervously for his reply. I kept looking at my phone , seconds turned to minutes to hours. What is he doing? Why is he this busy? Why am I so desperate? 

Then I heard a ding from my phone and I lunged at it.


                                                                                          My future boyfie: Yeah, I am

YN: Great, cause  I was hoping we can go on a date today. If you're free that is

                                                                                          My future boyfie: Sure, if it's you I'd drop just about                                                                                                                                  anything

I chuckle at that

YN: Really, cause you took hours to just reply to my text. Btw, what were you doing

                                                                   My future boyfie is typing..............

What is taking him this long to text. Why am I this desperate for his attention I don't know, the effect Jung Woo has on me scares me.

                                                                                             My future boyfie: Me, let's just say I had some                                                                                                                   business to take care of. Not really important.

 YN: Okay, when are you free?

                                                                                          My future boyfie: How about I pick you up at about 2                                                                                                                           if that's okay with you.

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