IV - Witch's Chores

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King had been awoken from his slumber by Eda, jumping up with a surprised, "Weh?!" Hearing the older say they had a 'helper' now, he didn't really process it at first. As he'd blinked, still fuzzy and groggy from waking up. The small demon creature tilted their head. "Huh?" His mind was still taking a bit to fully start up, so he'd looked to Eda, and then realized there was another presence.

A smaller witch, King would find himself staring at them. Confusion still rattling their brain, "helper?" He'd almost repeated. They asked in attempts to confirm this.

To which Eda did indeed confirm with a quick, "Yep!" Nodding to the smaller, then continuing, "He's gonna help us out with some chores and stuff in return for a couple o' magic lessons from yours truly." She'd stated with glory, as she was one who definitely took her name with great pride. Oh, and also because this means she'd be able to once again dodge annoying chores. The owl lady just really wasn't bothered enough to deal with them today, and yet they needed to be tended to. She'd been putting it off for long enough.

"Ohh, okay, so a helper, eh?" King perked up a little, once his mind had taken time to process everything going on. A helper? Someone he could perhaps rule over, and command to do things for him. Someone he could dictate, and direct with an iron fist. To be a king. The king of demons! He'd always jump at the opportunity whenever it was given to him, and this was practically being handed to him on a silver platter. But, for some reason, he was hesitant. For once in his life, he was almost unsure at the thought of it all.

As he'd stared at the person in question- They were standing there awkwardly next to Eda. Blue eyes, brown hair- It.. something felt off. Why did it feel wrong? He wasn't sure. Staring at this kid brought him some sort of uneasiness, and he didn't know why. Maybe he didn't like their face? Well, no. That wasn't it, but something about their face did feel off. Which confused him even more. Like his eyes, or his hair, or his clean face, it just didn't feel right to him for some reason. It was like he was staring at some sort of mask, but that was their face, wasn't it? He could clearly see that was their face. Were they some kind of illusionist? He wasn't sure. He couldn't tell. And that, that was the thing that had been concerning him.

Eda seemed to notice his hesitance, frowning for a moment. Before she stepped forward, leaning in,"Hey, what's wrong bud?" The older's voice was soft, quiet. Almost comforting, but was also mostly quiet for this stranger to not overhear them. Since she'd assume it was something private, she didn't want the other overhearing. Since, you know, he didn't know the two. And the owl house inhabitants didn't know this 'Alex,' either.

King looked to her for a moment, then glanced to the stranger before them. Humming with a bit of anxiety, "I don't know Eda, can we really trust this guy? What if stabs us in the back, or something?" The smaller's voice was also quiet, only above a whisper. I mean, they were talking about a stranger right in front of them. And they really didn't want them to overhear it, either. Well.. King's eyes didn't leave the young man. He was watching them, warily at that. And the person in question sort of just... Glanced around absentmindedly while waiting for the two. Were they zoning out? Probably. Did King think they might be plotting ways to capture or kill the criminal duo? Absolutely.

And Eda stared at them, frowning for a moment. "Look, I know this guy's a bit sketchy, but I mean, he'd just a kid. What's he gonna do?" They snorted for a moment, trying to reassure the other. Moreso, they were trying to say that because they were just a kid, they didn't have to worry much. Because Eda was the most powerful witch on the boiling isles! She's not gonna get screwed over by some random punk off the streets of the marketplace.

Teenage Prodigy | Hunter | The Owl HouseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora