The beginning of the end [18]

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Emma's POV
I smile at her, looking deeply into her big brown eyes. I felt so assured that she could do it, I'd bet my life on it, if she would just believe. After I consoled her and gave her a well needed pep talk. I healed her hand with swift gesture, and she was as good as new.

Once the spell had done it's job she smiled and rubbed her hands up the inside of my forearms, leaning in to kiss me. But I pulled away.

"Emma!?" She disciplined.

"Regina, you need to have some more faith, confidence, something because I know you, Regina Mills are just every bit as power as I am" I got down on my Knees between her legs, with my hands rested on her thighs and looked deeply into her eyes.

There was short pause, a swift pull away of the hair in her face before she finally spoke again.

"I don't know about 'every bit as powerful as you' but I'm willing to give it another shot. If that means I get to be with you. I smiled up and at her standing now leaning over to kiss her. Her lips where absolute bliss every time they even ever grazed against mine.

We kissed a moment longer, and moment longer after that, until I had picked her up and traded places with her only she was sitting in the chair with me now.

On top of me She started to kiss me more passionately and I could tell what she wanted. I rubbed her body every where pulling each part of clothing off until she was naked from the waist down. We grabbed a blanket to cover ourself and I proceeded to make love to my beautiful queen for hours.

We eventually made it up to our bed for rest before Henry awoke for school.

We sent him off and made our way back out to the town line in my beetle. Once we approached the truck I could feel Regina start to get tense. I leaned over and kiss her.

"You can do this" I whispered as I leaned my head against hers. She grabbed my hand with a smile. Looking down, forcing her hair to cover her face. Only this time, I took the honor Of pulling it back behind her ear. Kissing her on the cheek slowly, I exited the car.

Shortly after she joined me. As we stood preparing for the spell once more a cloud of smoke erupt infront the truck, our target.

"Ahh, I see we're practicing a little lethal magic hear." Hades bellowed "not cool guys" he turned.

I looked to Regina sending her the single 'do it now'. I could tell she was little unsteady still, but I believed in her. As he kept rambling on we powered ourselves up. A glow, a gold ball of magic, shot right towards him and he vanished, disintegrated right in-front of our eyes.

I look to Regina in surprise and she ran to me, hugging me.

"What do you say we spend the rest of our life's together?" I asked throwing my arm around her. She shook her head in agreement and we made our way home.

The End

I really hope you guys enjoyed the story, I know the ending was a little forced and kinda vague but that's just because I'm planning on writing a sequel! So if you enjoyed, make sure to keep your eye out for that. But I may also start a completely new Swanqueen story so if you wanna look out for that, it would be much appreciated! See you all very soon <3

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