Am i the only one? [9]

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Regina's POV
Emma had left me knowingly, longing for her her touch. She even left a mark on my neck. Ugh Swan. Thank god my jacket covered it. When I got home the lights were dim and there was flowers on the table. Ugh no, I thought. I walked into the dinning room knowing that's where he'd be waiting for me. I kept a worried look on my face.

"What's all this for?" I asked.

"Regina" he cleared his throat. "Listen I know things haven't been the best lately, the baby, Zelena all of it. I am truly sorry Regina" there was a long pause I started to shake my head no. I was stunned taken aback. I really didn't know what to think in the moment. I knew what I wanted...Emma. But he was so sincere. I did love him at one time...things weren't so easy in the moment. I looked into his eyes, and he had kissed me. At first I didn't kiss back at all, but something happened.

I couldn't tell him. I didn't have the heart too see his face so broken hearted. Not right now...Emma would understand right?....

The next morning I woke up, and hurried to the bathroom to get dressed. I was trying to make my way to Emma to tell her everything, but as I finished dressing there was a knock on the door.

"Hunny?" It was Robin and I jumped.

"Yes?" I said through the door.

"Can I come in?" I shook my head no in frustration. I hurried to find something to cover what the low collared shirt I was wearing, was exposing. Before I fully covered myself with a red scarf, I touched the mark and thought of Emma.

"Of course" I said. He walked in, and stood in the corner as I fixed myself in the mirror. I could see him in the corner of my eye, but I tried to ignore him as I finished brushing my hair and putting perfume on.

"So I was thinking maybe we could go out this morning? sense the kids are already gone?" I sighed in annoyance, and looked down leaning against the sink. I tucked my hair behind my ear, and turned to him quickly.

"I suppose but it must be quick, I have things I need to do today" I avoided anymore eye contact and walked out of the bathroom. I understood he was trying to spend more time, and make up for everything...but there was no point. I was in love with another.

I made my way up the stairs to Granny's, Robin cut me off, smiled and opened the door for me. I smiled respectfully back and kept walking. Looking for Emma. Praying she wasn't around. I walked up to the bar and started to think of what I wanted, something small. I needed to get to Emma. I was stuck thinking about her, looking up at the menu when Robin approached a grabbed my hand. He pulled me out of my trance making me jump.

"Are you alright? Your awfully jumpy lately?" I looked back up, and right when my head turned the door bell rang. Everything began to move in slow motion, Emma.

Everything still moving in slow motion i looked at her and her face dropped, I looked down at Robin and I's hand, and yanked my hand free. Everything sped back up when I began to chase Emma.

"Emma stop!" She turns and confronts me, shows Robin the mark on my neck and leaves. Storms off. Robin turns to me in disbelief, waiting for an answer. I just look at him and poof away. In a cloud of purple smoke I find myself in my vault. I start to cry. I make my way up to my mirror and take a long pause looking at myself, knowing what I had done. I pulled myself out of the trance.

"Show me Emma" I looked down not knowing what she would be doing, but when I looked back up it was still my reflection, and she was behind me.

I turned around without even thinking about it. With sorrow in my eyes, I saw tears running down her face.

"Emma...I'm so sorry" I started to cry again as well.
She turned a cold shoulder too me. "I am so sorry I truly am, I am in love with you Emma Swan" I saw her lighten up a bit but not enough. "I don't know what I was thinking, he caught me off guard last night. We didn't do anything, he was just apologizing for Zelena and I didn't know how to tell him". She looked up at me. "And Emma I swear I will tell him, if you wanna go to my house and kick him out right now...we can" she finally smiled and wiped her tears away. I lightly smiled, still thinking about how badly I hurt her. I know she's fragile, and I know she scares easily. So I know I really messed up. She started to walk up to me and gently laid her head down on me. When I felt her touch pulse through my body, I felt tears start to run down my face, and my breathing became uncontrollable.

" long as I know it's just you, Henry and I. I'm happy...I just need to know...that I am the only person your in love with...right?" My heart sank, automatically knowing the answer my heart skipped a beat.

"Of course Emma. Your the only one in my heart...I just felt bad for him...I know he loves me, and I don't wanna see him hurt but..." I looked Emma in her eyes "I'll do whatever I have to do, to prove to you that I'm yours" I wrapped my arms around her and she leaned into the embrace. Bliss.

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