A fate worse than death [16]

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Emma's POV
The sparks flew through the air like fire flies on a summer night. I was mesmerized by the power that me and Regina had possessed together, i hadn't even noticed, Regina was startled.

She said, she had never felt magic that powerful before; and after I thought about it, I guess I hadn't either.

After I consoled Regina, my mom and her had a little moment, very sincere and sweet. I smiled. I was happy we could all be a family. Now the only thing that was missing was Henry.

After we had our moments, and came back down, we all started to come up with a plan on how to defeat Hades.

"There has to be a spell you and Regina can do together, that will take Hades down" David said.
I shook my head in agreement.

"I'll call Belle" Regina seconded. She existed the apartment, now on the phone. As the door latches behind her, there was an awkward silence.

"So" snow started, i sighed. "How do you feel? How is everything?" She asked eagerly.

"Good, things are good. I'm still in love...if that's what your wondering" I got defensive, afraid of what they had to say behind Regina's back.

"That's good Emma, we were hopping so" they both smiled at me. They really meant it. I guess I didn't think it was going to be that easy for them to understand that love is love. My mistake.

When Regina came back into the apartment, she looked shook up.

"My love?! Is everything I alright" I rushed to her side.

"Yes, just got a little visit from my beloved sister, turns out she's Hades true love...and she threatened that if Robin didn't give the baby up, we'd pay" everyone looked to each other in shock.

"Well, any good news from Belle?" Snow asked, interrupting the silence.

"Oh yes, she said she had a book specifically for spells casted by two people, of the equal strength or something. I don't know I didn't hear much before I was rudely interrupted" Regina rolled her eyes and stuck a strand of hair behind her ear.

I giggled under my breath, at the sight of how beautiful she was, it made me nervous at times.

"What's so funny Ms, Swan?" I frowned over at her.

"Oh nothing" i then couldn't help myself, I smiled huge, I looked to her for a moment longer, before pulling my gaze back towards my parents.

We all four made our way over to Rumples shop. I held Reginas hand the whole way there as well as David did for Mary Margaret. Once we reached the store, we entered the shop; not really sure what we were going to walk into.

Belle was nose deep in a book that looked older than my parents.

"Anything?" I asked, approaching the counter.

"Yes, actually, there is spell right here. But it says that only two of the most powerful sorcerers can form such a spell, or it could be fatal for the people trying to conjure it" we looked to each other in sorrow. " But if you two can pull it off, it also says that the spell is strong enough to destroy anything in your path, like Greek gods, the dark one. Anything"  Belle looked up from the book.

When I looked over to Regina, she looked terrified. I could feel the fear that was written all over her face.

I made my way over to whisper something in her ear, hoping it would make her feel better.

"Being without you, is a fate worse than death my love" I could feel her start to calm, but as she did she started to cry.

"Excuse us for a moment" I took Regina outside, and held her. Once she pulled herself from me I was inclined to ask.

"What is wrong?" I looked to her, hoping she would be honest the first time.

"Emma, you are much more powerful then I. I will surly die...but you might not" I felt shock, anger, fear. Sure I was the dark one at one point, as well as the savior and the product of true love, but I believed in her.

I believed that as long as she believed in herself we could do anything. A whirl of emotions hit me like a house.

"My love, I will not let anything happen to you" I took her into my arms once more, I couldn't lie to myself...I was afraid for her safety. But it was either live a miserable life without her or live a miserable life without her...and I knew there had to be a third way. I thought for a moment on what to say next.

"Regina" I pulled her away from me in realization.
"Rumple chose you to enact his dark curse, you are powerful enough. You just have to believe" she smiled, I could tell that made her feel a little better. We made our way back into the store. After awhile of discussing our plan, we decided that practice couldn't hurt.

So me and Regina memorized the spell, and made our way out to the town line. There was an old ford pick up that looked like David's in the town salvage. We took the sheriffs car and pulled the truck to its desired destination. Away from the town in case something did happen. We parked the truck just outside of the town line, in hopes that would shield us from any unnecessary blasts or jolts of electricity coming our way.

We stood about three feet apart, looking at each other I could tell she was still afraid.

"Everything will be fine" i mouthed over to her, she shook her head and began.

I looked down at my hands and back at Regina, nodding now, signaling that she was ready, i held my breath and began to focus. I peeked over at Regina and she was doing the same. Except she had a horrible look on her face, like she was prepared to throw her arms up in defense at any moment.

The ground started to shake and giant light appeared, we focused it towards the truck and it shot out. About to blow the truck to smithereens, it made it way towards the old rusty pickup, but just before it could do what we intended it simmered out. I looked over and Regina was on her knees, breathing heavily.

"Regina!" I called out, and ran to her aid. She slowly pulled herself off the ground looking down at her hands. There was welts and burns covering her palms and fingers. She scoffed in pain as she rose from the ground. "Are you alright" I pulled her hands towards me looking over the marks.

"I'm fine" she said, but I knew other wise. Could she really die from this spell? Was she really not as powerful as I? I knew better than that, she wasn't believing in herself. She didn't have faith that she could do it.

That had to be it, if other wise the spell would've killed her right there. I shook my head in frustration.

Hey!!! I've noticed one person keeping up with the story regularly but idk who it is because they won't vote. So if your enjoying the story!! Please vote so I know who you are!!! Thank you guys and I hope you liked this chapter <3

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