Chapter 1 Axl ❤️ Licah

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Axl's POV

"Happy 31st birthday." It was my grandmom who greeted me first inside my room. Behind him is my mom, Nigel Jongcheveevat who is holding a minimalist black cake. No design at all, just plain black.

"This suits you, baby." My mom chuckled. "Get up and blow the cake."

He is the best baker I know or maybe I haven't tried others yet.
"The cake is so beautiful. I could see how you enjoyed baking this."

"Yes, I did. I did enjoy it because I imagine your love life while making this. Come on, baby. You know I have girls that I know. Please meet them. Or maybe you want cute boys too."
My mom told me.

'I want to be the richest person ever in the whole world.'
I blew the candle.
Please, make this happen.

Mommy Reese put a birthday hat on my head. Seriously?

"I love you, Axl." My grandmom said.

Yeah, I know.

My mom, Nigel, pinched me. He motioned me to reply.

"Love you, prettiest mommy." Yes, he is the most beautiful grandmom. A bit loud, but still my favorite person.

"Where's my kiss?" He asked.

Help me!

"Okay, it's fine, Axl. You are grown-up. You don't want to kiss me anymore."

I kissed his cheek to cut the drama.

"I need to be in the office before 8."

"It's your birthday." My mother said.

"And I have meetings, mom. I will be back home earlier than usual. I promise."

I took off the hat and entered my restroom. Finally, a quiet place.

"I will hire an assistant for you, okay? You can't say no, son." My mom shouted outside.

Fine. Whatever to make you all quiet. I just want to work.

Everyone is staring at me when I stepped outside of my room.

"Where is Angel?" She is my twin sister. She has already married six years ago. Her family is living on the second floor. However, they still eat here.

"Sleeping." My dad answered. Aki Jongcheveevat. He has a twin brother named Rye. Identical twins and almost the same attitude.

I looked at them all. "Riley?" He is married to my dad's twin brother. He wants me to call him by his first name only.

"Sleeping too." My uncle answered.
"They party last night, both drunk."

We have a minibar here. And you will always see those two partying there by themselves. My sister never worked. She was married to a billionaire from the US who owns a car manufacturing company. My mom owns the biggest socialites clubs in Thailand and has some in Singapore.

I just ate quietly and quickly.

"I'll jump into your meeting later, Axl. You know how I work. Make sure to be prepared." That was my grandfather Aidan.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
I don't like working with him at all.
He knows no family when it comes to business. His office is just on the second floor. It's better. I don't want to see him in the same building. You can't imagine the pressure when he is physically present in the board meeting. He is very keen on details. There is no room for mistakes for him.

"Yes, dad." I confidently answered.

Now, I need to be earlier in the office to prepare.

"Be back at 3, Axl, baby." My grandmom waved at me.

3? Impossible.

"Did you read it before presenting? Do you mean building a hotel just beside Cole's? That plan of yours is bound to be doomed. Who would choose that new hotel?" My grandfather asked. He was in his home office joining our meeting today.

"Dad, I mean, sir, it's not beside, it is a few blocks from our old hotel. It would be best because the room rates would be more affordable than Cole's." I disagreed.

"Do you think this city needs an affordable one? We are living in a high-class city."

"Tourists will do."

"And tourists would want to check in to the famous hotel, Cole's, to complete their vacation checklist. Set it a few km away. Don't compete with our own business, place it beside our competitors. Eat their hotel. Crush them." My merciless business-minded grandfather/boss said.

"Yes, sir."

"Hi, Axl, baby." It was my grandmom trying to join the meeting again. He must be bored. "Hey, board members there, did you greet Axl happy birthday?"
Ohhhh, shit!

They turned to me and greeted me.
Is it safe to say that it was embarrassing?

It was already four in the afternoon. My phone keeps vibrating but I am busy thinking about why my grandfather loves to disagree with me.

One of my staff knocked on my door. I can already see her from where I am sitting.

"What's that?"

"They are the final interview passers. You can choose from them, sir." Ria, acting as my secretary said.

At least 14 papers are here.
"For what position? Since when did it become part of my job description? The HR can deal with it."

"Your grandmother called. They already filtered the applicants. They won't work as an employee of TK, sir. His job is to find a suitable wife for you."

What the fuck is this?

"I don't need it, Ria. Leave."

She still left the papers on my desk.

What the hell? Find a suitable wife for me? One post and I can have anyone I want in a snap. Since when did searching for a wife for me become a job?

I scanned the papers out of curiosity. All of them are from MSU. Why do they need to work as a temporary employee like this?

One paper caught my attention.
How can I forget this fucking nerd who messed with my high school life?
Does he know that he is applying for a job under me? Why would he do that when their family is rich enough? Or maybe they went bankrupt.
This cocky nerd with thick glasses, braces, and an innocent face. This motherfucker who acts like a saint is the main reason why I hate my high school life. It is because of him that I hate the...

I called Jared to find details about this Licah John Ruiz.

He called in instant.
"LJ, 30, no parents, no business, with a debt of around 8 million baht, single.
What information other than these do you need, sir?"

"Where are his parents?"

"Committed suicide ten years ago, sir." Jared said.

"No kids?" I asked.

Jared faked a cough. Normally, my batchmates have their own family already.

"He was supposed to marry in Switzerland two years ago, but the guy didn't show up. The guy never returned."

Ohhh... See? How can he be suitable for the job if he can't fix his own love life?

"Need more, sir?" Jared asked.

"The guy... Uhmmm the name of the guy who didn't show up. Is it Michael?"

"Michael, sir."

Oh, wow. I can't say more.

I called Ria. "I chose this one. Licah."

A/N: if you are reading this, thank you. It means you have read 7 gens already. 💗💗💗

Welcome here! Hehehe

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