Chapter 8 Beautiful Imperfections✔️

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"Tell you what

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"Tell you what. Let's make a deal."

"What kind of deal?" I ask, scared but genuinely curious.

"You don't have to be scared; it's nothing bad." He laughs, putting his hands behind his head.

"So the way I look at it, we got off to a rocky start. We've already established that we don't have to be friends but that it's better for both of us to at least try to get along. Right?"

"Right." I'm wondering where the hell he's going with this.

"So let's make a deal. We can ignore each other, whatever you want all day, but in Grant's class, we have to communicate."

"OK, but I thought we had already agreed to that earlier?"

Maybe it is the pills getting to me, but didn't he basically say all this same shit already?

"Yeah, but I'm not finished."

"Then get on with it." I'm getting a bit impatient with him talking in circles.

"It's pretty obvious neither of us is the best at making friends or opening up. So the deal is, we can talk to each other about anything, and it stays just between us."

Ok, I'm still not getting it, but I'm listening.

"What I mean is that I'm going to answer the damn question, and I want you to answer it too, honestly. We can decide how we want to word it on Grant's questionnaire afterwards. But we make a promise that whatever we say tonight or any other night in this room stays between the two of us. And maybe if we get comfortable talking about all of our shit with each other, it will make it easier for us to open up to the therapists. Deal?"

I take in what he's saying.

Can I trust him?

I don't even know him.

He says he will confide in me too, but how do I know if what he tells me is the truth?

"OK, but how do I know I can actually trust you?" I ask him quietly.

"Because I may not be a lot of things, Heather, but I am a man of my word. Nothing we say goes any further than this room. Remember, I'm trusting you too. "

"Then you go first."

"Fair enough." He says. "So we have a deal?"

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