Chapter 2 Heather✔️

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This chapter comes with warnings 

Mentions of rape
& suicide attempt


"Well, look, the princess decided to finally join us

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"Well, look, the princess decided to finally join us." My mom's new boyfriend, Tim, says as he reaches out and strokes my arm as I pass by him, making me jerk away. 

I look at mom, but she is already too drunk to care. It's 8 a.m., for fucks sake. 

I sit at the table, hoping I can have a quick bowl of cereal before I have to head out. We don't ever have many groceries, and when we do, the men mom brings home often eat them before I ever get the chance. Two days without food is long enough; I have to eat something. 

I grab the box of generic Froot Loops and pour them into a bowl. 

"All out of milk," Tim says, taking the jug that is just beyond my reach and uncapping it before he turns it up and downs the little that's left in the bottom. Milk runs out the sides of his mouth and down his chin, dripping on his dirty "white" tank. 

"Asshole." I mumble under my breath, sticking my spoon in my bowl and getting a bite of dry cereal. 

"What was that, princess?" He says, grabbing the upper part of my arm, roughly his saliva hitting my face. 

I spit my half-chewed bite of cereal into his eyes. It distracts him enough for me to wiggle out of his hold. 

"Mom!" I shout, hoping she will be coherent enough to intervene.

Tim grabs my arms from behind and starts breathing into my hair. 

"Quit provoking him, Heather." She slurs, taking another swing from her bottle of vodka. 

His hot breath on me makes me cringe, and I try to pull loose. 

"I like 'em feisty." He says moving his hand to my breast. 

My breathing halts, and my body freezes as his hands roam my body. 

His fingers making it into the wristband of my sweatpants snap me back to reality. 

"Don't touch me!" I scream, turning to slap him across the face. 

"I told you, I like it rough." He growls as he easily grabs my hand, stopping me before tossing me across his shoulders and carrying me towards my bedroom. 


I can't do this; I can't take anymore of this hell. 

I'm alone.

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