Chapter 14

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In the Technodrome, Shredder slowly emerged from the portal and found himself back on the ship. "There you are, Shredder!" the familiar gurgling voice from the robot answered, stepping toward him. "I thought you'd never get here."

"As you asked, the beacon has been set, and once the Technodrome reassembles, we can rule the planet," said Shredder.

For a moment, the robot twitched, for something very bad was going to happen. "I'm sorry. "We?" "We" will rule?"

Shredder didn't take the time to remind him. "We were a team."

The robot started to laugh, starting to mimic his words, "We were a team!" Teams are for the weak," it barked. "Family is scared. The Earth is my toy. And I do not like to share!"

This was not the plan Shredder mentioned. This robot is crazy. Shredder yelled. "You betrayed me!" Without any hesitation, he started to lunge at him, but machines started to freeze him into frozen ice.

"Actually, I barely even thought about you," said the robot. "Back in the toy chest with the rest of the things I've broken." The machine moved the frozen Shredder to the insides of the chamber. "Silly little earthling," It gurgled. It picked up the beacon Shredder dropped. "Now for a new game. Look out, Earth! It's playtime."

Things started to get a lot worse. More pieces are coming around the corner. Rebecca and the cops got out of the section where they used to go. The cops used their shields so that the crowd wouldn't be able to see. The turtles crawled safely and managed to enter the building. So many floors to catch up. Casey, April and Vern decided to go off to the T.C.R.I building to find the machine.

Once they made it to the top, Shira and others stopped at the edge. "This thing's 57% complete," Donnie said. "If we don't stop it now, it's gonna be ready to go in less than four minutes." The turtles looked at the objects, they made a bridge of what looked like a path leading to the Technodrome.

"Guys, what are we waiting for?" Mikey said. He took hold of Manako's hand and jumped on the piece. The turtles looked at the two jumping on each floating platform.

"You got this?" Leo asked.

Raph nodded, "Surfs up, New York!" Everyone jumped on a floating piece and some of them almost grabbed onto something. Shira and Tomoka began to take flight and urged the others to come. They were on their way to the Technodrome.

April, Casey and Vern finally enter the parking lot of the building. All they have to do is find the machine and destroy it. As they exited the smoking car, April thought she heard something.

"Do you hear that? It sounds strange."

"Like "alien spacecraft in the sky" strange?" Vern asked Casey.

Casey shook his head. "No. That kind of strange." More noises, and they sound familiar. April looked around, but there was no one there. Where did that voice come from?

Out of the shadows were Snake Eyes, Bebop and Rocksteady, riding on motorcycles except for Snake Eyes who is on Rocksteady's vehicle. Alarmed, April and the two male humans began to hide behind the crates.

"We've got to keep our eyes out for intruders," Bebop told them.

"Well, what do intruders look like?" Rocksteady asked.

"Anybody that's not a big pig or a big rhino."

"Or a cobra," Snake Eyes hissed.

"Listen. You guys secure the portal device. I'll deal with those three," Casey told them. "Secure the portal device."

TMNT Half Heart Hero Out of the ShadowsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz