Part 31

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Next day after Aryan left, she went to the doctor. Several more tests were run like ink blot test, CT scan, cognitive  and personality tests. She could see Aakash smirking away in the office but she kept quiet still fearful of him. She believe he is real but her hear says otherwise.

Doctor told her to wait after one hour, he finally came and talked about her reports, "Mrs Rathore, do you have family member that can be present with you as well? I would like to talk to them as well because reports not good and caregiver is a must in this illness. Unfortunately, you are showing signs of Schizophrenia many of your symptoms direct there . We can tstart the treatment but let me tell you there is not cure of it yet. Your violent agressive behavior as you mentioned your outburts ut tells me that you would need somebody with you most of the time. Medicines i prescribe can be heavy but its must. I see you put your husband contact info here i would like to speak to him as well whatver i just told you. Please bring him tomorrow. "

Imlie sat there with nothing to reply. Her hallucinations, her behavioral change its too much to take in its in early stage as doc mentioned. She wanted to go away from here. What is scaring her the most , as the disease progresses her behavior can become more agressive, she can be violent to herself and others that scared her the most. Aru i cannot. I have to be strong and do as doctor says. I will bring Aryan as well without me mentioning him anything. He might even leave me that thougt broke her but she can understand. Too many thoughts racing in her mind.

She reached home, and cooked dinner early. She locked herself in bedroom she sat in corner moving her body back and forth. She was blank. Her minds playing tricks, suddenly she saw snake and she screamed she jumped on bed waiting for it slide away. Wait... she closed her eyes , taking deep breaths and counting till 10  she opened her eyes. It was just a wire of the lamp the table she was sitting next too. Oh my god... Imlie Imlie hosh ma aa... how will i break this to Aru.. he wont accept me? Put me in Asylum maybe? No he cannot do that he loves but once he sees my disease progress how much one person can take? He has comoany to take care of.. employees under him. He cannot stay home and be with me whole time. Imlie doesnt want that. Suddnely a hand grabbed her mouth and pushed her on bed. Aakash, she trying screaming but her mouth was gagged , she felt her clothes ripping , her legs strugging on sheet. Eyes wide and fearful , she screamed she felt like she was being raped she closed her eyes in defeat, she opened and there was nobody there. She looked at herself, she had marks on herself as if she... her clothes she ripped it , the small piece were in her finger. She grabbed her head and put it between her knees. Hating herself , "AAAAAHHHHH please sita maiyaa hume baksh do" she cried hysterically.

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