Clay Jensen: What's with the rope? No, seriously, this is getting messed up. So what, are you gonna tie me up to a tree and force me to listen to the rest of the tapes?

Tony Padilla: No, we're just going for a little walk.

Clay Jensen: How little is little?

Tony Padilla: Just up that hill.

They begin to walk for a couple a minutes. When they reach to where Tony wanted to bring Clay...

Clay Jensen: No freaking way.

It was a rock cliff. The plan: For Clay to climb to the top of the rock.

Clay Jensen: What the hell does this have to do with Hannah?

Tony Padilla: Don't you want to find out? People free solo it all the time.

Clay Jensen: People who climb things, people who climb rocks... which is a ridiculous thing to do if you aren't being chased by something.

Tony Padilla: It's for beginners. I used to climb it with my brothers when we were kids. Here. Take this, clip it on.

Tony gives Clay some chalk.

Tony Padilla: It's chalk. Put it on your hands, like this. Or you'll slip.

Clay Jensen: What?

Tony Padilla: Come on, are you a man or not?

Clay Jensen: Not! Most definitely not.

Tony Padilla: I grant you that, no question.

Clay Jensen: I, uh... I don't like heights.

Tony Padilla: It's an easy climb. All the answers you seek are at the top of the cliff.

Tony & Clay begin climbing the rock. They make half way as Clay looks down and sees that they are very high up.

Tony Padilla: Good. Now try and slow your breath down.

Clay Jensen: How do I do that?

Tony Padilla: By breathing slower.

Clay Jensen: What do I do about my heart, which is about to explode out of my chest?

Clay's phone begins to go off.

Clay Jensen: Shit.

Tony Padilla: You brought your phone on a climb?

Clay Jensen: No, I brought my phone on a walk. That's my mom's ring.

Tony Padilla: Be a good son or plunge to the rocks below.

Clay Jensen: Yeah. Thanks for the perspective.

Clay ignores his phone.

Clay Jensen: We are really freaking high.

Tony Padilla: Don't think about it. Chalk your hands if they're sweaty.

Clay Jensen: I can't really feel my arms.

Tony Padilla: You gotta shake 'em out, one at a time. Get the blood moving, all right?

They continue climbing when Tony grabs hold of a rock as it breaks off and hits Clay on his gash.

Tony Padilla: Shit! Oh, shit!

Clay Jensen: What? What? I can't see!

Tony Padilla: I lost a handhold. Give me a sec, I've got to figure this out.

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