Slowly, a long saliva drop comes out my mouth as it drips and I spit it out whole having some rum mixed in it.

You: She better have massive tits-

Marlene: Don't get greedy.

Joel: Cutter?

You: What?

He passes me the flashlight attachment.

I set my 1911 on the metallic table in Bills bunker.

I clock it in alongside the suspensor.

You: Appreciate it, Joel.

Bill: "Thanks, Joel", "We love you, Joel", too bad Joel is a bastard.

He looks over at Ellie that's touching his stupid pile.

Bill: HEY! I said "Don't touch"!

Ellie: I'm just fixing your stupid pile!

Bill: Don't touch!

She flips him off.

Bill talks to Joel again.

Bill: If you keep baby sitting, it'll blow up in your face. Not with Cutter, he can handle himself.

Joel stands up, rolling his eyes.

Joel: Can we just get on with it?

Bill passes me a better LED bulb.

You: Nice.

I unscrew the top as I pop out the old one and in the new one. I point it at the wall and click the button as it shines bright. I flick it off.

Bill: Let's just get on with it.

He passes him a shotty and he cocks his.

I holster my gun and pull out my knuckle duster with my knife, I really should get a trench knife.


After going through houses, streets and a church we managed to fight through Runners and clickers.

We got into a school and now currently entered the sports hall.

Ellie: Fuck...

I pull out a pistol mag out of my bag pocket by reaching over as I pass it to Joel who clocks it into his mag holder and cocks the gun.

Joel: Take a breather, yeah?

You: I'm fine.

I adjust my switchblade in my shoe with my foot discreetly.

Ellie: Of course you are.

Bill: How about you two stop kissing and help out with finding a way out?

Ellie: K-Kissing?!

She blushes.

Joel: Shut up and go, all of you.

We move forward, only for the front doors to fly open with a huge bloater.

Joel: Oh, no...

Ellie: What the fuck is that?!

Bill: It's a bloater!

Ellie: A what?!

Joel: Ellie, take cover. Cutter, help her.

You: Fine!

I slide over and grab her as we slide over only for a bloater bomb to miss her.

You: I got you.

I swiftly pull her to cover due to the smooth wooden material on the floor. I kneel next to her.

Ellie: T-Thanks.

You: Are you hurt?

I check her face with my hand. Meanwhile, theres gunshots, booms, shouting and gargling.

She turns red.

You: I guess not.

I pull out my gun and from cover I help out by shooting out any runner coming close to them both.

I drop my bag swiftly as I carry on shooting.

You: Pull out my alcohol bottle and a cloth.

She reaches in and grabs them both.

You: Pull out the cap of the bottle and put in the cloth.

I see a Runner to my right as he sprints at me. I punch a upcoming runner as it slides dead over next to Ellie.

Ellie: What now?!

You: Light the end of the cloth.

I one handedly shoot as with the other I flick open a lighter thats lit. She puts the end of the cloth on as it ignites. I flick it back closed and into my pocket.

You: Are you a good throw?

Ellie: Umm...I'm a good catch?

You: Fuck it. Throw that bitch onto the big bitch.

Ellie: You mean Bill?

You: No. The other same sized as Bill big bitch.

Ellie: Oh! Incoming! Watch out!

Slow motion, she throws it over-arm at the Bloater. It flies in the sky, the ignited cloth looks beautiful as the flame is bright. The alchohol is trapped in the glass bottle, ready to be inflamed too.

It lands on the Bloater and shatters as it screams being in flames and helplessly burns.

Joel finished it off with a shotgun to the head as the fungus flies off and it flops on the ground.


I pick her up and we group up again.

Ellie: What was that?

Joel: A long duration of fungus infection. We call them Bloaters.

Ellie: Bloaters, got it.

Bill: Nice throw, Y/N.

You: It wasn't me.

We all look at her.

Joel: You made her throw a Molotov Cocktail!?

You: I didn't make her do shit. I taught her how to make one.

Joel: WHY?!

There's silence.

You: Fuck. Kill me for teaching a person how to survive. Protecting people helps keeping them alive, people protecting themselves helps them survive.

Bill: He's got a point, Joel. You really are babysitting. Not for Cutter to care for someone.

You: Like I have someone to care for.

I push past and climb up the bleachers where I pull Ellie up.

Ellie: T-Thank-

You: Thank me one more time, you will regret it.

I say harshly, not looking at her.

She shuts up, upset.

Love Aside | Ellie x Male Reader | The Last Of UsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum