Close Friends

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A/N: sorry, there's another double space that won't save later in the chapter.

The wailing of nearby police sirens screeched in Kiki's ears.
Though, they didn't exactly annoy her as she was currently sleeping on Eric's shoulder. Even in her sleep she figured he didn't mind. Besides, she was comfortable.
Not for much longer though. Someone was shaking her so she'd wake up.
Kiki pried her eyes open slightly, only to see Cora kneeling infront of her so they were at eye-level.
She tried to sit up but Cora held her down.
"Stay seated," she whispered to kiki. "An ambulance is on the way to pick you guys up."
"I don't need an ambulance." She groaned. "He does though. Speaking of, how'd you get out of the hospital?"
Kiki saw a smirk play on Cora's lips. "I'm very convincing."
Maybe there was a use for those katanas after all Kiki thought.
She brought her hand that was on her lap, to Eric's torso. As she lifted his shirt, she gasped.
It didn't look that deep, but there was alot of blood.
"God, tell me that ambulance is close."
"It's pulling up now." Cora answered.
This is not good.


"-is he going to be okay?" He heard a soft voice ask.
"If I'm right, he should wake up soon, I'll know how he is then." That voice was masculine and unfamiliar.
"Thank you doctor." The first person thanked.
She's okay.
"Kiki." He called softly, his eyes still closed.
He only opened his eyes when he felt her cool fingers intertwine with his own.
"Are you alright?" He asked her.
"Am I alright?" She glared. "I'm not the one who had a knife stuck in their abdomen, you idiot."
"Be nice, if I remember correctly, you had a bottle as opposed to a knife." He defended. "Now, are you okay?"
"It's just a couple scratches. Look-" she lifted her shirt ever so slightly. "See?"
It was true; the cuts were deep and he guessed glass had stuck to her but they weren't as severe as he thought. He supposed the blood spread out so it looked like there was more of it.
He grunted in response. "How long am I staying here?"
"The doctor guessed about a week." Kiki replied. "But that all depends on how you honestly feel."
"I think-" Eric said. "-I feel in love."
"Not exactly good grammar, but. . ." She paused. He saw her cheeks were a very light shade of red. "Me too."
The stared into eachother's eyes, not saying a word. Kiki was leaning against the white doorframe.
Kiki straightened when she heard the door open again.
"I'll have to ask you to leave." He spoke to kiki. "You're supposed to be in your own bed, anyways."
"God, why does nobody understand that i am fine?" She asked rehtorically.
"Who was saying to honestly say how they were feeling?" Eric teased.
Kiki rolled her eyes and left the room.
"Hey Doctor Jax! Could I get a phone?" Eric asked.
"I don't do the whole "Doctor" thing, call me Jax. And it's on the table next to you." He answered.
One Jax was finished his assessments on Eric's injury, he left.
Leaving Eric alone.
Eric clicked on the messages app, then on Vanessa's contact.
Hey! Been a coupe days, but I'm fine. Just tell the family I won't be back at Bayside for another week or so. He clicked send.
"I'm fine?! I won't be home for a week?!" A voice came from the door way, making him jump. "What is the matter with you?!"
"Dear Vanesa, I regret to inform you that I was stabbed and will be bed bound for a few days, where I will feel like I am dying. Tell the family I said hi." Eric pretended to type as he spoke.
Vanessa rolled her eyes.
"You should be grateful that I came, not Jesse, she would kick your ass." V said.
"No kidding." He chuckled, thinking of his little sisters reaction.
"What are we all laughing about in here?" A new voice asked.

"Why is everyone showing up now? Is the sky falling or something?" Eric asked sacrcastically.
"Vanessa asked you were doing, I told her to come see for herself." Kiki replied. "I didn't think you'd mind."
"Come here." He gestured for kiki to come sit next to him.
"Oh god, don't get all mushy-mushy with me in the room." Vanessa said. "Actually, you know what? I'll just leave your two alone and come back later."
With that, Vanessa left his room
"I knew I could get her to leave before she started harassing me." Eric sighed.
"I feel used now." Kiki crossed her arms.
Eric sat up properly, wrapping his arms alurm her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder.
"Don't. Beacause, I love you."

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