Nightmares come true

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"Heart!" Her teacher -Mr. Hansen- boomed.
She sat straight, hitting her head on her desk in the process. She fell asleep again. In the middle of mathematics.
"Mr. Hansen." She said calmly, trying so hard not to smile.
All eyes were on her now; so she kept herself calm instead of just dying of laughter.
Mr. Hansen was a big guy; muscles pretty much always taught, his beard finely kept to a stubble and his short, dirty blond hair disheveled but manages to look good. He was intimidating too; not just because of his muscled frame, but his height and his reasoning were usually part it.
However. . . He had a squeaky voice, a baby voice for lack of better words. Seeing a giant grown man get mad and start yelling like an actual four year old, was somewhat amusing.
He glared at her. "Get-" he was cut off by a pencil being thrown at his head from behind. He was too focused on kiki to see who it was; but she knew who it was.
The thought made the corner of her lips tug into a smile.
While Mr. Hansen was distracted yelling -well, squeaking but desperately trying to yell- at the class, kiki glanced over at Eric who was leaning back on his chair with his shoes propped up on his desk. He had another pencil in his hands, waiting for another moment to strike.
He grinned once he saw Kiki's eyes on him. Without a moment of hesitation, he flicked his pencil at the teachers head again.
I feel bad for him.
Aside from being an actual giant with a baby voice, Mr Hansen had a bad temper.
A miracle he's still a teacher.
Kiki slipped out of her chair as the teacher continued with his tantrum. She snuck around the back of the room and came up behind Eric who was still sitting improperly. He was as if yet, clueless she was there. So she wrapped her arms around his shoulders from behind, her cheek resting next to his.
He jumped a bit and his muscles tensed under his black T-shirt, but then he saw kiki and relaxed.
"Thank you." She whispered against his cheek.
"I was planning to do that since he started talking about converting." He whispered back. "Then you fell asleep again and he noticed, so. . . I figured you might not want to be sent to the office." 
"It wouldn't be appreciated, no." She kissed him quickly.
Eric was still leaning on the back of his chair and another pencil twirling between his fingers when a piece of paper was thrown at him.
Kiki looked at whoever it was that threw it, only to find the pencil that was once in Eric's hand, was impacting on Max's shoulder.
Kiki giggled quietly as Max rubbed his arm in false hurt.
When she looked back at Eric, he had another pencil in his hand, ready to flick it.
How many pencils does he have, for Pete's sake? She thought.
She slipped her hand up his arm and pushed his hand down to the table.
She leaned in close to his ear, "you're going to get caught soon."
"No I won't." He smirked.
Kiki sighed, "if you do, I'll just head back to my seat."
He stopped twirling his pencil, and stared at her in horror mouthing "no" and shaking his head.
Kiki giggled again, this time at his silliness.
The bell rang then, making him jump -or nearly jump, if it weren't for kiki steadying him.
"About damn time." He groaned.
"What, are you saying you didn't like this class?" She asked.
He rolled his eyes, "what do you have next?"
"Phys-ed." She answered. She was  looking forward to it too, she enjoyed playing volleyball. That and Eric would be there.
"Ah, sweet." He sat up right.
"Let's go, Muscles." Kiki tried to drag him out the door. "Before he remembers I fell asleep."
"Alright, alright. Kioko." He said, using her full name, simply because it annoyed her.


"Alright class, settle down!" Her phys-ed teacher ordered.
Like she expected; they were playing volleyball. However, playing volleyball in short black shorts and a clingy blue shirt wasn't her idea of proper attire.
Stupid. You had gym today and you knew it! She cursed herself. 
All the boys were running around the gym, kicking around the volleyball and the girls were distracting the gym teacher.  Distracting, meaning flirting. Mr. Jax was known all around the school for being attractive. . . In literally every way. Light brown hair, golden-brown eyes, broad shoulders and a good sense of humour. He was also really nice, he let the students have options on what they were going to do. 
"Pick your teams and get playing!"
When everyone broke out into their self-assigned teams, he threw a ball into each of the four courts that held eight people on each side of the nets.
Kiki was with seven other people; two girls, five boys. Vanessa being one if the girls.
Eric would've been on her team, but she understood that he should have some time with his friends.
About twenty minutes later, the courts switched and Eric's team was opposing hers.
"You ready to beat my brother's ass?" V asked from next to her.
"hell ye- woah" Kiki felt arms wrap around her waist and she was lifted up and set back down.
"Good luck with that." Eric's voice came from. . . Well, around her.
She giggled as she was set down, "oh, we don't need luck. Beating you guys is like taking candy from a baby."
"You shouldn't take candy from babies, last time I did that, you-" he pointed to V, -"cried for hours."
Vanessa huffed, "ha ha, very funny."
"It's not supposed to be funny, it's supposed to be true." He said in a serious tone.
"Enough chatting, get playing guys!" Mr. Jax interjected. He stopped for a moment when his phone rang.
In the middle of the game five minutes later, Mr. Jax called kiki over to the benches where he was sitting.
"Kiki! Uh, you're being sent home." He said.
"Excuse me?" She exclaimed.
"Got a call from the principal, she said your dad's here to pick you up." He elaborated.
No. She thought, sinking to her knees.
"You alright? You look sick." He looked down to her.
Her mouth opened, but nothing came out.
  Eric must've noticed her from the court, because a few seconds later he showed up behind her, kneeling so he could whisper in her ear. "You alright?"
"No." Came her reply.
His hands came to rub her arms, "what's wrong?"
"I have to go." She got up and ran across the window-filled, white-walled gymnasium.
She ran through the doors, and down the hall towards the office.
He's gonna kill me if I take to long.
Kiki continued running to the office and was met with the drunken face of her father.
"Father? Wh- what are you. . . How did you. . ." She trailed off.
His brows furrowed, "get. In. The damn truck."
She hugged herself, scared. Obeying her father, kiki walked through the glass doors and down the stone steps outside the office.
She yelled when her father yanked on her hair, "I don't know what the hell. . ." Her father slurred. ". . . Made you think you could leave without my knowing."
"Father, please! I told you I was leaving-" she was cut off.
"Stop talking back! We are going home!" He let go of her and she fell to the ground. "Get up!" He boomed.
She jumped on her feet in a second, only for him to grab her arm in a steel grip and push her against the back door of his black pick up.
"God damn it! Father, let me go!"   She screeched, earning a painful elbow to her gut.
"Get in the truck. . ." He smashed an empty bottle on the ground, right next to her.


With everything -including her car- left at Bayside, the hours on the road in her father's broken-down truck were long and horrifying.
Whether she was grateful or not, they arrived at the horrid gray brick building she knew as home.
Without a word, her father snatched her from the seat and into the house. Everything was the same as when she left; the paint on the walls peeling, the picture frames in the walls either cracked or crooked, the table chipped and the couches torn.
Her father never usually cared if she left, unless something happened and he had something he needed to blame on someone else.
"You are as worthless as can be." He spat, literally. His saliva covering her face. "The next time you leave this house will be the day you get sent to the grave."
He pushed her to the wooden floors and kicked her stomach.
Of course he has to be wearing steel-toe boots.
"Get upstairs and clean up! We're expecting someone" He made long strides to the stained fridge to grab a bottle of beer.
She wasted no time in getting away from her father.
If she was being honest, this was one of his better days. On normal days she would already be bruised and screamed at. Then again, on normal days she wouldn't be here; even before going to Bayside, she rented an apartment using the money she got from her job as a waitress a few stores down the street.
How did he even find me? She asked herself. What she said earlier was true; she did tell him she was leaving for college. She didn't tell him where, even if he was drunk. So how did he know where she was?
Then it hit her; the school sent monthly e-mails to parents updating them on any of the events for the month, like sports tournaments and carnivals and what not.
Kiki slowly trudged her way up the stairs and into the room that used to be her room.
What she saw was a complete disaster; even her mattress was torn and sprawled across her room. But the destruction was not what caused her to stop breathing; what caused it was the stench coming from the body layed across the floor, eyes open and dull.
This has to be a dream.

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