Have Some Fun

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leaning up against the counter at a nearby bar, Kiki watched as her friends Serra and Cora danced and flirted with some random guys who showed up not to long ago. They looked good; but that was about all those two bafoons actually pay attention to. At least in cases like these.
Kiki on the other hand, wasn't one to go looking for someone -at a bar- to help her get laid. She'd had a few relationships in the past; none of them worked out in the end. Either she broke up with them for cheating on her with some beautiful whore or they got into an argument because she wasn't ready to have sex and they broke up with her.
After all, she didn't actually want to go to a bar. The only reason Kiki actually showed up was because it was Serra's birthday. . . And she wanted to go to the bar. Fun.
Kiki paid for another shot, hopefully she wouldn't lose track of how much burning liquid she'd be shoving down her throat tonight. Slow-going moments went by before she heard the splashing that was the bearded bartender pouring her drink.
Before Kiki had a chance to bring the glass to her glossy red lips, blond-haired Serra called her over, "Kiki! Get over he-" Serra tripped over her partner's leg before she finished, her short, dark blue dress twirling untill she landed on the ground. Her dancing partner helped her up and Serra was back on her feet, stumbling towards Kiki.
Just before Serra bumped into her -as she wasnt able to stop in time- kiki stepped to the side. "What is it that you so desperately need to tell me? I have people who pay me for that and they're not as bad as you."
"Yeah, well. . . You looked so sad over here alone and the reason I made you come here was to get a life outside your office and court." Serra had slurred over her words, but kiki could still make out what she said without much thought or effort. Guess she was just used to having drunks stumble up to her slurring something along the lines of "I need help" without having a further explanation untill they were at least semi-sober.
"That still doesn't explain why you came over here, seeing as I am paying for a drink. At a bar. At the counter." Kiki was slightly offended at Serra's words, though she didn't show it. Everyone knew it was true anyways; kiki never did anything but work.
"Go ask one of these idiots if they wanna dance." Serra answered.
Kiki sighed as she took a sip, "Seeing as even you put the word "idiot" in there, means no. I'm not dancing. I came here for you."
"Again, to get you away from your work." Serra repeated.
"No, final answer."
Serra gave up soon after that, or more she was pulled away from their conversation. Her partner wanted to get back to what they were doing, so when he saw the open window, he took advantage of it, slipped his hand around hers and pulled her back.
Not that kiki minded though.
Within no time, she had downed her drink and had requested another. That's when she spotted Serra being helped over towards her; her partner from earlier was leaning her weight against him.
"She says she wants me to take her home, she's drunk and I don't know if I'm comfortable with that." He said, Serra completely drawing a blank mind.
Kiki supposed he got a glimpse of her when he grabbed Serra, that's how he knew who to go to.
"Wait it out a bit, she'll come around soon. It doesn't usually take to long for her to clear her head." Kiki said, nonchalantly.
He gave her a surprised look, "you mean you don't mind if. . ." He trialed off, kiki didn't need him to finish.
"You seem like a nice guy, you even came over here to check. Plus, she doesn't usually do the whole one-night stand thing." Kiki took her first sip of her new drink.
He nodded and asked the bartender for alot of water.
"What's your name?" Kiki asked as he leaned Serra against the counter.
"Ian Blair." He answered sitting Serra on his lap, making her take sips of the water.
"Kiki Heart." She offered her hand.
"I'm gonna go check on Cora. Take care of her." Kiki left with a wink over her shoulder.
She wasn't sure if she wanted to leave, but she knew she had to keep an eye on Cora. Usually it was Serra she had to keep an eye on, but "Ian" had that covered. He seemed nice enough.
Cora was slowly heading towards the door next to a tall guy with short, black hair. Cora was leaning into his right side as he whispered unintelligible things in her ear.
Kiki went up to them and tapped her bare shoulder. "Cora."
Cora seemed to jump before her bright blue eyes met her grey ones. "Kiki, what's up?"
Cora was no idiot, at least not when it came to dating and romance and all that, Cora wasn't a fan of the whole one-night stand thing either. So she would still be sober by the time they had to leave, just like she was now.
"Just checking up on you, Serra isn't doing to well. I have a feeling she's going to wake up with a massive headache tomorrow." Kiki answered.
"If that's a bet, then I'm sure you'd win." Cora snuggled closer to her partner. Cora must've noticed where Kiki's eyes landed, because she gestured for him to introduce himself.
"Leo Mora." He offered the hand that wasn't covered in Cora.
"Kiki Heart." Less than five minutes and she's already met two new people.
Kiki leaned closer to Cora, close enough for Cora to feel her breath. " Be safe." She whispered into her ear.
Kiki was the "mom" of the group. She decided wether or not they went somewhere, or did something, Cora would listen to her.
Unfortunately kiki wouldn't have many more times like this; she was starting college soon and wouldn't have time for going out anymore. Which was the true reason she came. To spend time with her friends.
watching her friends with sorrow, she thought to herself,
I wish I didn't have to leave. . .

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