let go of yourself

Start from the beginning

"Well, you'll need Superluminal energy to send someone through time," Harry said

"You mean like tachyons?" I asked.

"Tachyons," Harry confirmed.

"We can track their location once they've been activated," Barry said and I scanned for tachyons.

"Anything?" Barry asked.

"Nothing," I said.

"Cisco are you sure that's what you saw?" Barry asked.

"I am."

"What else did you see?" I asked.

"There were all these weird tachyons things all over, there was a clock..."

"What time did the clock say?" I asked.

"21:52 I think, how is that relevant?"

"Because it's 18:00 now," I said and Cisco rose from his seat. "Are you telling me I can see the future?"

"That's what I'm telling you," I said.

"Those goggles are getting a name  Immediately," Cisco stated.

"But that means Dr. McGee is alive?" Caitlin asked.

"That's right," Harry said.

"Yeah, okay, we have three hours and 52 minutes to find her, and stop the reverse flash, let's do it," Barry said quickly.

"No sign of tachyon activity," Harry said.

"We're running out of time we gotta find them," Barry stated.

"It will take a few minutes for the device to reach full power once it's activated but when we find it you're gonna have to get there fast," Cisco added.

Beeping, that's never good, except for today.

"Tachyons 87th Avenue J," Cisco yelled and Barry got his suit and ran out.

"Hack into their-"

"I have hacked into the security feed.
I'm one step ahead of you." Cisco bragged.

Barry, hurry up." Cisco added as we all looked at the security footage.

"He's gonna kill her," Caitlin stated.

"This war between us is about to stop!"

"Barry, you gotta stop!" Joe said. "Barr! don't kill him! Just bring him here!"

"Get the cell ready."

"Hey, he can't..."

"Phase his way out?
No, he can't do that." Cisco answered joe.

"It's the same cell we used to hold Dr. Wells last year," Caitlin added.

Barry walked to the exit, "Barry where are you going?" Joe asked.

"I'm going down there."

"No, you're not.
The more he learns about you the more you change the timeline." Harry explained.

"He killed my mom."

"He's from the future, he hasn't done that yet, he doesn't even know you're the flash, and you need to keep it that way,"  Harry added.

"You already said his mother is gonna die no matter what we do," Joe argued.

"There are ramifications, any time anybody misses with the timeline, and it's impossible to predict what those ramifications are going to be," I explained.

"Barry, you caught him and you stopped him from killing Dr. McGee.
In my book that's a win." Caitlin said.

"That doesn't feel like a win." Barry sighed and his phone ringed, "I gotta go."

I tried to move sharp things away from Cisco, but everything was blurry.

"What's happening?" Barry asked as he sped in.

"He is experiencing an uncontrollable amount of electrical energy in his brain, putting him in a prolonged state of chronic seizing," I explained and grabbed the side of the bed, get hold of yourself!

Can you stop it?" Barry asked

"We don't know," Caitlin answered. "Hold him down!"

"We're trying," Joe said

"Sedate him, snow, now!" Harry yelled.

"Benzodiazepine!" I yelled to Caitlin.

"That should do it." She said as she injected Cisco.

"Finally." Joe sighed, and Cisco...  Disappeared?

"What the fuck?!" I asked.

"What was that?" Barry asked.

"What's going on? Where the hell am I?" Cisco asked.

"It's the timeline," Harry said.

What are you talking about?" Barry asked.

"When you... when you captured the reverse flash we ruptured the timeline!
That's what this is... all the blood and the seizures and that all... Cisco is being affected.. by the changes to the timeline.
The changes to the past or the changes to the present... that's what this is.
We need to do something.
We need to do it fast.

"Like what?" Joe asked.

"We need to restore the timeline," I said slowly, finally being able to stand.

"Barry, you need to get the reverse flash and send him back to the future as quickly as possible," Harry added fast.

I just caught him!
You want me to let him go?!"

"Keeping him here is killing Cisco!" Harry yelled

"Barry if this is the only way we can save him, you gotta do it!
You gotta let thawne go!" Joe added.

"I...I can't... alright?
Look, I can't.
I destroyed the tachyon drive in the speed machine there is no way of reaching the speed necessary to sand him back home."

"YOU can," Harry said.


"Your speed coupled with thawne speed, that'll be enough to catapult him through the time continuum.
You can do it?" Harry explained.

Let's do it.
Let's do it."

"Do you think he'll make it?" Caitlin asked me.

"I hope he does." I sighed and set next to Cisco.

"You've been very... off today, are you ok?" She came and set next to me.

"Just a bit tired... a bit tired," I said and put my head on her shoulder.

"Go to sleep ill watch him." She smiled, I didn't see it, but I know she did.

So the episode of Barry and Cisco going to earth two is soon and I'm wondering if earth two Ana should still be alive or not?
If she is why would she leave harry?
Any ideas?

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