Chapter 2

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When Shira woke up, she felt light shining into her eyes. Her mind is slowly clearing up to figure out where she was. Four creatures were standing over her, surrounding her body. Shira couldn't speak or move. She was paralyzed. She was too blind to see and not sure what they were saying. It was too hard to say. Then, a voice spoke to her.

"Ma'am, ma'am. Can you hear me? Do you know what city you're in? Do you know where you are?"

"Have you seen that video where the cat plays Chopsticks with the chopsticks?"

"Can we focus here?"

"Guys, please! Come on. Give her some air."

Shira tried to open her mouth but her voice came from a translator on her neck. "What are you?"

"Well, Miss, uh, we're ninjas," the first one answered.

"We're mutants," the red one growled.

"Well, technically, we're turtles," the purple masked one stated.

"Oh, and we're teenagers!" the orange voice responded. "But we can still have adult conversations."

Shira began to slowly begin to sit up, carefully, still baffled at the sight of the four strange creatures. "Wait, wait, wait. So... You're... Ninja, mutant, turtle, teenagers?"

"Well, when you put it like that, it sounds ridiculous!" the purple figure chuckled.

"See, she's looking at us like we're freaks," the red figure, growling. "I bet that's why you took our picture, wasn't it? To show your friends?"

"Bro, that's a good thing! Maybe she has hot friends."

"Looking for this?" the red one asked, holding up a phone. The girl gasped and began to scoot away.

"Don't break it. No, no, no. Please."

"How many times do I have to tell you? We don't break things, we fix them," the blue one scolded the red one. "Donnie already wiped the phone, genius. Problem solved, moving on."

"And who put you in charge?"

"You know who did."

"Ooh, tension! It's been like thirty whole minutes since you guys had this argument," the orange one chirped.

"Leonardo, if we want to make it home before Master, we gotta hustle," Donnie said to his brother. Shira's eyes went wide.


Before she could even move, Leonardo leaned close to Shira. "Do not say a word about this to anyone. If you do, we will find you. Shirahara.. We're on the move, Raphael."


"Yeah! We'll find you, Shira," the orange one said. Before he was about to go, he turned again. "I'm sorry, that came across super creepy, okay? We will find you."

The figures melted back into the shadows, leaving the girl all by herself. Slowly crawling to the edge of the roof, she watched them run, bound and jump across the distant rooftops. Before they disappear, Shira manages to take one blurry picture.

 Before they disappear, Shira manages to take one blurry picture

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