Chapter 10 : Chaotic Chaos

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Na-Bi headed to the kitchen to see Ren sitting on the kitchen counter seats. "Ren?"

Her heart fluttered as he looked up. "Yu Na-Bi" he replied with his warm smile. She missed that. She missed him. It felt like she hadn't seen him for very long time.

"Where have you been?"

"I had some business to take care of" he replied, "so how have you been? Thyme hasn't been troubling you has he?"

Her smile fell at the mention of Thyme's name. She quickly hid her emotions with a smile shaking her head. She didn't want Ren to worry.

"I'm making scrambled eggs, would you like some?"


As Na-Bi cracked the eggs into the pan a voice appeared behind her making her jump. "I don't feel like having eggs. Make something else."

It was Thyme. He held an unreadable expression across his face. He's doing this on purpose to stir up trouble, she thought.

"I said make something else" his voice appeared again.

She continued to ignore him. "Thyme leave her alone" Ren exclaimed.

Thyme grabbed the pan off the hob hoping that would grab her attention. It did.

"Thyme give it back!"

"I told you to stop why did you ignore me?"

"Give me the pan!"

"Answer my question first!"

Na-Bi glared at Thyme she reached her hand out and grabbed the pan. She yelped dropping the pan onto the floor after spilling the hot oil on her hand.

"Thyme!" Ren shouted grabbing Na-Bi's hand and rushing over to the sink. He turned on the cold water and ran her hand it.

"Is that better?" Ren asks her to which she nods her head.

Thyme went all silent. He held a guilty expression across his face. Na-Bi took a double take his way in surprise. Does he feel bad?

"Her fault. Who pulls onto a pan with boiling hot oil in it?" His voice appeared again.

"No Thyme. You're actually such a prick" Ren exclaimed, "she was making eggs for me."

"No it was for me" Thyme replied back.

"Actually it was for all of you" Na-Bi explained.

"You were going to make him scrambled eggs as well even though he's so mean to you?" Ren asked.

"Uh..yeah. It was um..on his to do list" she mumbled. Immediately she regretted telling him about Thyme's to do list. Thyme was going to hate her even more. And Ren was going to get even angrier.

"His WHAT?!"

"My to do list" Thyme replies back. After Thyme explained his to do list to Ren. Ren was fuming.

"Thyme, what the fuck?!" Ren exclaimed, "so this is what's been going on these past few days when I wasn't here?"

"Na-Bi come with me. Thyme from now on stay the fuck away from her. Don't fucking look at her, don't fucking talk to her don't fucking breathe around her!" Ren turned to Na-Bi, "if he says anything to you come and tell me okay? I'll handle him."

Ren grabbed Na-Bi's arm taking her into the garden were the swimming pool was. Kavin and MJ were swimming in the pool.

"Kavin, MJ! Do you know what's been going on with Na-Bi and Thyme?"

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