Chapter 14 : The Sweet Angel from Heaven

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Carefully, she slid down the pipes from the bathroom window. She needed some air.

She hid behind one of Achara's cars watching the security guard. They'll let down their guard down soon, they always do.

Within the next two minutes the security guard's phone rang. He picked it up before glancing around and made his way out the gates and around.

Yu Na-Bi took that as the perfect opportunity to escape. She leaned against the wall outside the gates watching the security guard. He leaned against the wall a good few feet away from her.

"I've told you not to call me here! He doesn't like it!"

"Yes babe, I know. My shift ends in an hour please just be patient."

Na-Bi ran the opposite way and arrived at a park. She sat against a tree and started sobbing. She couldn't hold it in any longer. She must have been sitting there for a solid five minutes before she heard a voice in front of her.

"Why are you crying?"

She looked up to see a boy around her age standing right in front of her. He looked somewhat concerned. "I'm not crying" Na-Bi replied wiping her tears.

"It's okay, you don't need to tell me."

Na-Bi glanced at the soft grass trying to hold back her feelings and thoughts. The grass was somewhat pretty and it's smell reminded her of running around in the grass with her mother and father. Back when...she blinked back the tears.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" He asked pointing at the space next to her.

"No, not really" she lied. Right now all she wanted was space. She was surprised as to why this random stranger cared so much. Were strangers always this nice and caring?

"Do Gang-jae."

"Hm?" Na-Bi asked looking at him.

"I'm Do Gang-jae, and you are?" He asked outstretching his hand.

"Na-Bi. I'm Yu Na-Bi" she replied copying his same weird hand action. She had managed to figure out that it was some sort of greeting.

The young girl looked up at the man who was squatting down in front of her.

"Achara Paramaanantra, and you are?" The man in front of her exclaimed reaching his hand out exactly like Do Gang-jae did.

The little girl looked at his hand then back at his face. "Leave her alone Achara" a man who looked like a younger version of her father spoke, "she's only three."

"So what if she's three. It's essential to show some respect when attending these business deals it's best to teach her from a young age Jae-on."

"Who says I'm taking her to business deals?"

"I thought Thyme and Yu Na-Bi were supposed to lead the Black Na-Bi after us."

"There's so much time until that day comes. But I don't think this life is best for a young girl like Na-Bi."

"Nonsense! Don't underestimate her, she'll grow up to be a right badass, she will. You'll grow up to kick everyone's ass won't you, won't you?" Achara cooed.

Na-Bi giggled. "I kick Daddy's ass!"

"Haha, that's my girl!" Achara laughed.

Na-Bi snapped out of it. Was that a memory? The back of her head tingled with pain shooting out as it throbbed.

He chuckled moving his hand closer to hers and shook it. "You don't really leave the house do you?"

He had a curious smirk on his face. He had a really cute smile that was one of the first things Na-Bi noticed about him. "Um..yeah something like that" she laughed a little.

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