Chapter 6 : The Underwear Boy

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Yu Na-Bi stirred awake covering her eyes with her arm. Why is it so sunny? She stretched out her arms and legs letting out a yawn. Sitting up squinting my eyes, she thought about it for a second. Wait. Did I fall asleep in the book room? Ren must have carried me back to my room. She smacked her head against the pillow. How embarrassing! He was sweet enough to read me a book I've been wanting to read for ages and I fell asleep. I fell asleep. On his lap. She groaned smacking her legs against the mattress.

Two knocks came from her door. "Miss Na- Bi?"

Oh please tell me they didn't hear that. "Yes, come in" She replied clearing her throat and sitting up on the bed again.

"The hot water in your bathroom is not working so if you would like to take a shower you have to use the one in the spare room" a servant replied stepping inside the room.

"Okay and where is that?" Yu Na-Bi asked walking out barefoot facing the never ending corridor. This house was like a maze even her house wasn't this big.

"Down the corridor take two rights, one left and another right. It will be the one directly facing you."

"Okay...thank you." Two no two rights one left or was it two lefts?

She laughed nervously. "Could you repeat that one more time please, sorry?"

"Two rights, one left another right. Facing directly towards you Miss Na-Bi."

"Okay thank you!" Two rights. One left. Another right. Towards me. Two rights. One left. Another right. Towards me. Got it!

She started marching down the corridor to check the bathroom out. Two rights. One left. Another right. Towards me.

After taking another right, she continued walking down looking for a left. But there was no left. Great, I'm already lost. She stopped at the door facing opposite her. Maybe it's this one. It has to be this one.

She walked in to see a someone standing right in front of her. Wearing just their boxers. More specifically a pair of boxers with cartoon tiger faces on it. And a bath robe. Oh dear. His back was faced towards her and he seemed to be dancing. Pretty poorly, she thought. He spun around dancing to the beat and his eyes met Yu Na-Bi's. They both screamed as she quickly covered her eyes.


"I'm sorry. I'm sorry" She cried, "I thought this was the spare room! I was supposed to take two lefts and a right or two rights and a right or a left and a righ-"

"-JUST GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" He interrupted her.

"Okay, I'm sorry once again!" She replied back and turned around still with her eyes closed.

As Yu Na-Bi dashed out the door, she didn't dare look back. Oh my god, that was so embarrassing. I can't believe I- She kept running until she bumped into someone's chest. She looked up to see Ren. For once she was so relieved to see him.

"Are you okay? What happened?" He asked looking concerned while placing his arm on her back holding her closer towards him.

How am I meant to explain this to him? Yu Na-Bi just wanted the ground to open up and swallow her. She couldn't handle this. It was all too much. "I..uh-"


Yu Na-Bi could feel her heart pounding through her top. She looked up at Ren in worry.

"WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU GONE?! I DEMAND YOU TO COME HERE NOW!" He continued. Then his angry face appeared marching at the very end of the corridor, fully dressed this time. Thank god.

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