Chapter 9 : Thyme Akira Paramaanantra

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"Miss Na-Bi."

Yu Na-Bi stirred awake in her sleep. She looked startled as she'd just been waken from her sleep. Even the sun hadn't risen yet, her whole room was dark and gloomy. A dark figure rose over her, poking at her shoulder.

"What is it?" She groaned turning around in her bed and sleeping on her front.

"You must wake up now Miss Na-Bi."

"Huh? What?" She groaned. She looked up at the dark figure. Jesus, she thought. What did one of Achara's servants want with her in the middle of the night.

"Master Thyme has requested that I wake you up, to start on your chores."

Na-Bi laughed. "Who? Start on my what? We'll talk in the morning."

"It is morning it is 4:50 am."

She groaned. "Why are you waking me up in the middle of the night?"

"It is not the middle of the night Miss Na-Bi. It is 4:50 am."

"Yes, yes you've told me that. It's the middle of the night."

"Master Thyme has requested that you are to wake up at this time."

"You have to be joking me?!" She exclaimed sitting up on her bed.

"It is no joke Miss Na-Bi. Master Thyme has requested that you-"

"Yes, yes I heard the first ten times!" She groaned, "is Thyme awake?"


Yu Na-Bi laughed bitterly. He wasn't even awake at 4:50 am. So why should she be up?

"If he's not awake then he doesn't know I'm still sleeping. So please go away I need my sleep."

"I'm afraid I can't do that Miss Na-Bi. Master Thyme has also requested to be woken up if you do not oblige."

"That prick" Na-Bi wailed slamming her head into her pillow. It was way too early to keep up with Thyme's little games.

That little prick. She sat up again and took the paper the servant handed to her.

She looked up at the servant. "You can go now I'm wide awake."

The servant paused for a few seconds, before leaving.
Na-Bi looked down at the scruffy piece of paper.

To Do List :

- Clean the kitchen
- Dust the living room
- Wash the clothes in the laundry
- Dry the clothes
- Cut the grass
- Water all the plants around the house
- Clean my room

Clean his room?! Clean his room?! Oh, he's asking for a taste of his own medicine.

- wash my clothes BY HAND
- make breakfast
- mop the living room
- clean the swimming pool

The list went on and on. Clean this, clean that. Mop this, mop that. Na-Bi scrunched the piece of paper in her hand. Fuck my life.


Na-Bi had finally finished cleaning Thyme room. It was 9:30 am. She hasn't seen Thyme yet today, and she didn't want to. She didn't know what time he woke up or where he went but he certainly didn't wake up at 4:50 in the morning like she was forced to.

She collapsed on Thyme's bed. Just a few minutes of sleep she thought.


"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Thyme's voice startled Na-Bi. She looked at the time on Thyme's wall. 10:40.

"Thyme I-"

"Who gave you permission to sleep on my bed? You haven't even finished the list either."

"I haven't made breakfast other than that I've done everything on your fucking list Thyme! Now are we even?"

"Hah, even?" Thyme asked intimidatingly, "we'll never be even."

Na-Bi glared at him. She had never ever met such a horrible person in her entire life.

"Every single fucking second you're living under this roof, it's going to be fucking torture. Get used to it."

She was completely taken aback by his words. She didn't understand him. She didn't understand him at all. Looking at his eyes, all she could see was hatred. Anger.

"Look Thyme I'm sorry about before. Our first impressions of each other weren't the best. But why can't we just leave that in the past and be friends-"

"Friends?" He scoffed, he laughed bitterly, "do you seriously think I wanna be friends with you?"

She felt a little hurt by his words. What exactly was wrong with her? Why has he so mean?

Yu Na-Bi paused. "You know underneath that tough, cruel exterior you make out to be. You're just a scared, lonely little boy raised without any love. It takes one to know one, but we just have different ways of coping with it. And from now on I don't care what you tell me to do, because I won't be doing it. Come and talk to me, when you're a man and not a boy."

She walked out the room leaving Thyme completely speechless. Closing the door behind her, she leaned against it taking a long sigh of relief before making her way towards the kitchen.

Thyme Akira Paramaanantra

Thyme Akira Paramaanantra

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