Chapter 5 : Renrawin Aira

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Yu Na-Bi's fingers ran across the spine of each book as she scanned them with her eyes curiously. She was impressed by the amount of books in here. Someone must be a serious book nerd. The book room here was almost as big as hers. She scanned through every book of the shelf. She's read this one. This one was a stupid book. This one was okay but she's read better ones.

She groaned looking up at the ceiling. So many shelves of books yet not a single ladder in sight. How exactly was she meant to check out the books at the top?

Her eyes caught a book two shelves above her. She could feel her heartbeat pounding against her chest. The Na-Bi and The Flower by Mina Seong. It was the one book her father never let her read.

He burned them all. He burned the copies of all her books in the house. He said it brought back to many memories. Everything was burned. Her clothes. Her pictures. Every single trace of her went up in flames after her death.

Except that one dress Na-Bi kept hidden between her headboard and wall. The one she'd sleep with when she was lonely. She regretted not bringing it here with her. I miss her. I miss her so much.

She wrote quite a few books. But it was this exact one in particular that something told Yu Na-Bi, she needed to read it. Almost as if there was a message for her in that book from her. Na-Bi need to get my hands on that book.

She stood on her tiptoes and stretched her right arm. She could just barely touch the edge of its spine. Within a few seconds she could feel an aching sensation course through her whole arm. I need that book.

Suddenly someone's body was pushing against Yu Na-Bi's back nearly squashing her against the bookcase. A hand very effortlessly reached for the book she wanted. Turning around, she bumped into the person's chest.

She looked up to see Ren's smirking face. He placed his left hand against the bookcase and held The Na-Bi and The Flower in his other hand in front of her. He leaned down a little to face Yu Na-Bi. Yu Na-Bi couldn't help feeling a little intimidated by Ren towering down towards her. Oh, how it sucks being so short. Her back was pressed against the huge bookcase with Ren towering down over her.

Who speaks to a person standing this close? It's hard enough to breathe let alone speak. Crazy boy. I can't even tell what's wrong with him. He clearly flirts with everyone. He's got a right charm. How can you not fall in love with that face? Just look at that cute smile. And the way he stares into your eyes just makes your heart flutter and your heart pound like crazy. Is this love?

Yu Na-Bi shook herself out of her thoughts. In love? Please! You just met him today. She cleared her throat. "Can I have that book please?" She asked him.

He looked at her then at the book tilting his head slightly. "The Na-Bi and The Flower. Not a bad choice, one of my favourites actually."

"You've read it?" She asked taking a sudden interest in what he has to say.

"Of course I have. It's a great book. It's not one of her classic horror books but it's still great."

"Wait you've read her other books?" Na-Bi asked in disbelief.

"Mhm, Mina Seong. One of my favourite authors."

"She's my mother" She replied back dropping a bomb on him. Immediately she regretted saying that. She mentally scolded herself for making unnecessary comments and oversharing.

Now his eyes widened in disbelief. "Really?"

"Uh..yeah" She said, the uncomfort was present in her eyes.

"So I'm guessing you've read all her books then."

"Uh...well not really. My father burned all the copies in my house before I could get the chance to read them. It..uh..brings back too many memories."

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