Chapter 8 : Kiyomi Seringai or Seringai Kiyomi

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After those words left his mouth, his grip on Na-Bi's wrists got tighter and tighter. As he scowled, his eyes got darker. Na-Bi was speechless. She didn't know what to do. She couldn't even think with Thyme hovering over her. She felt certain that he was definitely plotting her death.

"Stop it, you're hurting!" Na-Bi slowly whispered. Thyme completely ignored her.

"Thyme I mean it let go!"

"Or what? What are you gonna do?"

That's when something in her just clicked. She had, had enough. Enough games. Enough warnings. Full fucking attack mode. Time to put her fighting lessons to the test.

Her father paced around the room with his hands behind his back. "Na-Bi, remember this. Temple, upper lip, chin, solar plexus and genitals. These are the vitals areas to stab. What are the areas?"

"Temple, Upper lip, chin, solar plexus and genitals" Na-Bi repeats back to him.

A proud expression forms across her father's face.

Na-Bi knees him in the genitals. Thyme immediately releases his grip on her and clutches his privates. "You bitch!" He shouts, "that's it no more Mr Nice Guy."

Na-Bi scoffed at his words. No more Mr Nice Guy? That was his definition of being nice? "What on earth are you talking about you've been a prick this whole time!"

Thyme shoots a shot at Na-Bi's mouth.

Na-Bi laughed, spitting the blood from her mouth. "That all you got?"

The kitchen turned into a boxing ring. The two rolled across the kitchen tiles taking a few punches and returning the favour. It was absolute chaos to say the least. The both stood up holding onto the collars of each other's tops.


They both froze and faced towards the person speaking. Na-Bi and Thyme quickly took their hands off each other after seeing Achara standing beside the kitchen counter.

MJ and Kavin came into the kitchen and looked horrified after seeing the state of Thyme and Na-Bi.

The deafening silence was interrupted by MJ's loud whisper. "Fuck."

"MY OFFICE NOW!" Achara's voice roared, "BOTH, OF YOU!"

Thyme walked ahead with his face down in shame following behind his father. Na-Bi slowly trailed behind them.

"What happened?" Kavin asked Na-Bi. She looked up at Kavin and she opened her mouth to say something.

"NOW NA-BI!" Achara's voice boomed ahead of them.


Achara sat in his chair and took out a cigarette. The stress was really getting to him now. Taking a long satisfying puff, he looks at the two idiots in front of him. They were both standing up with their heads hung in shame. After a long dead silence, Achara spoke.

"Which one of you idiots would like to tell me what happened?"

"I was sitting in the kitchen-"
"-I walked into the kitchen-"
"-I was minding my own business-"
"She was being so disrespectful to me-"
"What? How was I being disrespectful?!"
"She totally ignored me when-"
"That's because you only came in to"
"She's rude, loud and she kicked me in the-"

"ENOUGH!" The whole room went dead silent again.

"I changed my mind. I do not want to know. I simply do not have time for this childish behaviour! I expected better from you Thyme. Much, better!"

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