Chapter 9

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Hey Earthlings! I know it's Thursday, and I know I said I would either update 1 chapter on Tuesday or 2 chapters on Friday. I'm only updating 1 chapter today, I'll update again on Monday. I've been super busy with all the tests coming up (it's almost the end of the year!), but promise I'll get back on track! Here's Chapter 9:

The next morning, Lily woke up at the stroke of dawn. She got out of her cramped camp bed and stretched. Looking around, she noticed that Ginny and Hermione were still asleep.

Even though she'd tried not to think about it, Lily just couldn't seem to be able to forget about last night's snake-formed-from-a-crack.

After Lily got ready for the day, she made her way down the stairs to the kitchen. Even though she knew it would be most reasonable to tell the Order members about the snake, she felt as if they wouldn't take it seriously. Once she got to the kitchen, she found that Mrs and Mr Weasley, Tonks, Lupin, Sirius, and Moody were all talking in hushed tones. The moment she stepped into the kitchen, they all stopped talking and started busying themselves with other tasks, pretending that was what they were doing before she came.

"Wotcher, Lily!" Greeted Tonks, chomping on some toast.

"Good morning, dear!" Mrs Weasley said heartily, turning to the cupboards and reaching for a plate. "Toast? Cereal? Pancakes? Waffles? Omelet-"

Before Mrs Wealsey started listing off all the food there was in the world, Lily stopped her and said, "Just toast is fine."

Lily willed her hands to stop shaking, tried to act normal, and took a seat at the table next to Tonks. Moody's electric blue eye swivelled around and glared at Lily, seemingly looking into her. Lily realised she was acting the exact opposite of normal.

Taking some deep breaths, she took the plate of toast from Mrs Weasley with a word of thanks, and sat down at the table, giving a defiant look at Moody when he continued to stare at her.

Determined to not tell anyone about the snake from last night, Lily stayed quiet. After she'd finished her sixth piece of toast (she'd really inherited her large appetite from her Uncle Ron!) in silence, suddenly the rest of the kids entered the room.

Harry and Lysander both had dark circles under their eyes, Hermione looked troubled while Ginny looked unsure. The four tired teenagers stumbled into the room. Ron, on the other hand, was the only one who looked as if he'd just had a great sleep and swaggered into the room, eager for breakfast.

The five kids took a seat at the table, next to Lily. Mrs Weasley, concerned, gave them plates with toast on it and bustled upstairs to call Fred and George for breakfast.

"Those two!" She'd huffed, climbing up the stairs, "Don't tell me they're making tricks for their joke shop again!"

Ron, with his mouth full of toast (Hermione looked at him in disgust), had replied with, "Don't worry, I won't!"

With the boys and Hermione and Ginny halfway through their breakfast, all the rest of the adults, except Tonks, left the room and made their way to the drawing room, taking with them mugs of coffee (Moody didn't drink any, he refused to drink anything not out of his personal flask).

Tonks, who'd been perched on the edge of the kitchen counter, got up from her seat, tripped a little, and placed her plate in the sink. Turning around, she wondered aloud why the teens looked so moody. Excluding Ron, of course, he was exuberantly working his way through his fourth piece of toast.

"Well..." Hermione said, wringing her hands nervously, looking back and forth between the other teens. "It's complicated."

"How so?" Tonks asked curiously, wiping her hands on a dish towel.

"So..." Lysander began, glaring at Harry, who shrugged back. "Last night, Ron, Harry, and I were discussing-" He suddenly paused, blushing, and fell quiet.

"Yeah?" Prompted Tonks.

"We were talking about Lily being a death eater..." Lysander mumbled shamefully, hanging his head. Lily looked down at the table, intent on not meeting his eyes.

Ron spoke up: "Actually, Harry thinks Lily is a death-" Harry elbowed Ron hard in the ribs, and Ron squawked obliviously, "Bloody hell, what was that for, Harry?" Harry glared back, his mouth firmly shut.

Ron scooted his chair away from Harry's and continued: "Harry thinks Lily is a death eater- Personally, I think he's gone mental- Anyway, Lysander doesn't think so. So, they were fighting last night about it."

Tonks's eyebrows furrowed, puzzled. "How come Harry ever got the idea that Lily's a death eater?"

Harry gulped noisily. "I -well, I honestly don't know." Tonks lifted an eyebrow. "Listen -I really don't! It just seemed so- right."

At this, a dark shadow seemed to pass over Tonks's face, and she muttered grimly, "I thought so..."

The five teenagers exchanged baffled looks, but Tonks didn't give them an explanation. Muttering grimly, she hurried out of the room, most likely to inform the other adults what she'd 'thought so.'

"What did she 'think so'?" Harry asked, breaking the silence.

Ron shrugged and continued eating. "Dunno and don't care."

Hermione looked troubled and nodded in agreement when Ginny said grimly, "Whatever it is, it doesn't sound good."

The teenagers fell into an uncomfortable silence, and they sat at the table thinking.

Suddenly, Lily said, her voice cracking, "I think I know what it is."

Mwahaha 😈! I left you guys on a cliffhanger!! Because I live for these ;). But you'll find out what happens on Monday, when I post Chapter 10!! Remember, if you want me to keep going, please vote! It motivates me to keep going <3

Have a fabulous day, everyone!!

Love you all <3333

💜lessi xx

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