Chapter 3

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"Me too, Harry!" A young, past Hermione, Lily's aunt, agreed. The Order of the Phoenix fell silent, straining their ears to hear anything, while Lily and Lysander stayed under the cloak in the corner of the room, keeping as quiet as possible.

All of a sudden, Lysander started making some peculiar sounds, and Lily turned to look at him. Seeing the look of panic on his face, Lily realised that Lysander was holding in a desperate sneeze. A terrified Lily put her hands over his mouth and nose, ignoring the fact that both had turned red with embarrassment. But Lysander's sneeze was too strong, and -

"Aah . . ACHOOOOO!!!" Lysander sneezed so loudly that the force of it caused Lily to jump in shock, which resulted in the cloak slipping off of them.

"NOOOOO!!!!!" The two synchronously cried, attempting to tug the cloak over them again.

But it was too late. The Order had seen them and suddenly, in a matter of a few seconds, the air in the room had a whole different theme than the one previous. Practically the whole Order of the Phoenix had jumped up from their dusty armchairs (creating clouds of dust), wands drawn, in a ready stance.

Lily and Lysander had abandoned the idea of pulling the invisibility cloak over them and instead tried to plead that they weren't Death Eaters. Their parents had explained Voldemort, the Death Eaters, and the whole Wizarding War to them previously, so Lily and Lysander knew that people in that era must've been afraid and not able to trust their own friends and close ones, but they weren't prepared for this reaction.

"Please!" Implored Lily, "We aren't here to hurt you!"

"Well . . ." A past version of Lily's maternal grandmother, Mrs Weasley said hesitantly, as if considering.

"No, Molly." Said Mrs Weasley's husband, Mr Weasley, holding Mrs Weasley back, "We can't trust them. They showed up out of the middle of nowhere."

"Arthur, they look the same age as the kids." Molly Weasley pointed out.

"Hey!" Grumbled Fred.

"We're not kids! We're of age!'' George protested. But the twins were ignored, and so was Lily's surprised expression on meeting the Uncle Fred she'd never met. Fred I had died in the Wizarding World bravely, and though Lily had enough of her cousin, Fred II, who was lively and a hardcore prankster, she'd always wanted to meet her cousin's namesake, her uncle.

Lily and Lysander found themselves being pushed up to the wall, with wands pointed at their throats.

"Who are you? And what are you doing here?" Asked Remus Lupin calmly, but with a hard glint in his eyes (Lily was also at a loss of words to see him, as he'd also died in the war).

"Well . . ." Said Lysander, trying to turn his head around as much as possible to look at Lily for help.

"We're actually from the future." Supplied Lily helpfully.

"WHAT?!??!" Bellowed a thunderstruck Sirius Black, it seemed like of all places where they could be from, he hadn't expected the future. Lily had always wanted to meet her father's late godfather, but not in a state where he had a wand to her neck.

"Yeah . . ." Said Lysander.

"I don't believe them!" Said a firm Sirius.

"Sirius." Said Lupin. He then turned his attention onto Lily and Lysander, and looked deep into their eyes. Lily was an accomplished Occlumens, and she knew Lysander was too, but she let her mind go, let Lupin look into her, she knew that he was looking for clues on whether the pair were lying or not.

Seemingly satisfied with what he saw, Lupin declared, "They're telling the truth. They can be let go now." All at once, Lily and Lysander were let go, and Lily massaged her neck. Thank Merlin, she never wanted to get into the same situation again.

The Order resumed their spots on the couches and armchairs. Lily noted on the fact that she and Lysander were not offered a seat. Looked like they still weren't completely trusted.

They had a LOT of explaining to do.

Hey Earthlings! Thanks for waiting so patiently for this chapter. Hope you enjoyed it! Stay tuned for chapter 4 to be published on Monday. I know we're all in different time zones, but you'll be able to sense a pattern when I update. Remember to vote and comment! Thanks for reading!!



PS Earthlings, thank you so much for the 61 views and 3 votes! They mean a lot to me :). Let's set a goal for 65 views and 5 votes by Monday, when I publish the next chapter. Hopefully we'll get there!

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