Episode 5: The Savior, The Devil & The Killer

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Palpatine is sitting in his council chambers as Mas Amedda walks in.

Mas Amedda: I have news for you sir.

Palpatine: What is it?

Mas Amedda: Yoda is back in the lead spot.

Palpatine: Wonderful. This is nothing but a formality now.

Mas Amedda: Things are full blown now, every one is gone battling apart from Windu and Yoda themselves.

Palpatine: Just as I intended.

Mas Amedda: I do have some bad news though, Mace, Kenobi, Fisto, Shaak Ti and Plo Koon are very close to discovering you. They have it narrowed down to someone in your cabinet.

Palpatine: Ah, it's about time. They can't get anything done if they always tie. At the perfect time I'll add Skywalker to the council and tip them in the wrong direction. How about Amidala and company?

Mas Amedda: Bail Organa is conducting business as normal. Amidala has been quiet since she's been pregnant she still partakes but she isn't putting herself out there.

Palpatine: So they have no clue?

Mas Amedda: Pretty much.

Palpatine: That's what I figured. Alright, soon everything will end for the Jedi and soon everything will begin for the empire. They got closer then I expected at the end, but the result remains the same. We just sit and wait now, then when the time is right we strike.

Palpatine stood up and looked out the window.

Palpatine: It's time to make Skywalker my apprentice...

Palpatine smirked.

Palpatine: Soon... enough... Amidala, Windu, Kenobi, Yoda... they will all die.

We then cut to the council.

Yoda: Heard I have about the job Master Windu did. Most of you agreed with his rule it seems. Too much emotion his rule brought. Respect Master Windu I still do, lost the council has become.

Fisto: I agree we are lost, but with all due respect it's not in the way you think.

Yoda: Hmm? Have something to say Master Fisto?

Fisto: I've spoken my opinions on this, nothing will change.

Yoda: Change won't come if believe you don't.

Fisto: I believed in it, nothing happened. Instead I got voted against or tied.

Yoda: See I do, perhaps it is not the best course of action in that case hmm? Always right, we aren't.

Fisto: I never said that master. I know I'm not always right but I know I'm right here.

Yoda: Never an absolute answer there is.

Fisto stayed quiet now, basically giving up as he simply nodded his head.

Yoda: Back to Windu's tenure we go, too much emotion there was. Calm yourselves you must.

Shaak Ti: Will all due respect master, why are we suppressing these emotions? They could be used for good.

Yoda: Good? No. Only to the dark side it leads. Seen it first hand I have.

Shaak Ti: That's only if you go overboard, you shouldn't have to suppress emotions, you have to learn to keep them at a level.

Yoda: Interesting point Shaak Ti, love a powerful emotion it is. Too dangerous to play with it is. End in disaster it will.

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