Your Forgiveness

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[MK's POV]

It's been a few hours since we left the shop and Sandy, which I don't understand why cause he was going to do surgery on him. Oh well, at least the bull family was kind enough to give us server dinner to us. I sat across from RedSon who had the look of royalty on his face but didn't even bother to look at me. Mei sat next to me eating her food and the Monkey King sat at the end of the table across from DBK.  I think some needs to mentally check on him, he looks a little pale and stiff. He had this awkward smile on his face as if he did something awful. I turn my head to look at DBK and PIF. Ah...that's why...they were both were giving him a death stare. 

The silence at the table was almost suffocating. I pick up my fork and poked my meat with it, then I put it in my mouth starting to chew loudly. "HMMM!" I said unreasonably loud. "This is Delicious! Kudos to the chef, right MONKEY KING??" I shoot him a look when I said his name, it seemed to bring him back to life. "AH, uhm yes! Very good."  "Well yes, our son decided to cook for us tonight and I must say I'm impressed." PIF dropped the look and went back to eating, leaving just DBK. "RedSon, you can cook!?" Mei nearly shouted. His face lit up with sparks coming from his hair. "Well...I...Erm..." I hid my smile with my hand. it's adorable seeing RedSon embarrassed like this.  "Of COURSE, I can cook!" He finally managed to say. "He was talking about showing off his skills to-" 

"MOTHER!" RedSon hair lit itself on fire, "UGHH!" and there he goes, an embarrassed prince stomped out of the dining room.  I couldn't help but laugh out loud. "May I be excused?" I asked, "Me too?" Mei jumped in, her plate already empty. PIF waved her hand excusing us from the table. We both ran to catch up with RedSon.

[3rd Person]

Well, now it's just the Bull King and his wife with an uncomfortable monkey. "I'm shocked that you decided to help Macaque, considering you two's history." Said PIF. "I wonder what changed in your cold heart." DBK sat back in his chair and focused on eating his dinner. "Well...I...I don't know..."  He clenched his fist underneath the table, not making eye contact with either of them. "Could it be you catch feelings again? That's why you helped him or was it your successor that managed to change your cold heart?" Wukong felt his face heat up. Was he falling for his old friend again? He only thought he was doing this for MK. But now looking back on his decisions, felt as if he had desired to do all those things out of a free will. "You really hurt him, you know? When you left, he was a disaster. For a few years now he was fine, but now he's hurt again and you're with him."  Wukong lifted his head to meet PIF's glare, "I don't even know why I took you with me, I'm sick of you hurting my friend." The great sage was at a loss of words. What could he say to even change? ''I'm..sorry." Would a pathic little sorry do the trick? of course not. He would have to tell them. Wukong forced himself to say more "Truly. I'm a cruel person and I don't deserve your forgiveness or his. But I want to prove it, I will admit...I have fallen for Macaque again and I miss him more than anything. I didn't realize how much I was hurting him. I was blind, but I can see again. And I see how much suffering I caused." 

"You-" The Bull King was about to stand up, but his wife raised her hand, signaling him to sit back down. "This is your last chance, Wukong. You get no more after this." She said, "My queen...are you sure?" "No, but we have to think about Macaque as well." Wukong's eyes lit up as his heart began to pound. "You can see him if you want, he's in the spare room." The monkey immediately stood up, knocking over his chair, and dashed out of the room. "Do you believe we are making the right choice here?" DBK asked. "Let's hope."  


The monkey ran through the halls of the mansion, making sharp turns. He didn't know what to exactly tell his love but he had an idea. Wukong felt like a kid that earned his parent's permission to marry their child. As he saw Macaque's door come into view. He came to a full stop in front of it, letting himself catch his breath.  He placed his hand on the doorknob and took a deep breath ''Here we go..."   He opened the door to reveal Macaque sitting in bed with bandages wrapped about his chest and a plate of dry-ass food in his lap. His ears twitched at the sound of the door opening, he turned to see Wukong standing in the doorway. "...Hey," Macaque said. "Uh, are you?"

"Oh, you know... dying of dehydration." He chuckled. Wukong entered the room shutting the door behind him. "So what can I do for you, My king?" "Clearly not much." Both monkeys laughed. Wukong brings a chair to sit next to Macaque. "Then what are you doing here?" He asks while placing the crunchy meat on the nightstand.

"I...wanted to tell you something..." he paused for a second "...important" 

"Oh? Getting serious are we, what is it?"

There was silence in the room, macaque sat there with a smirk on his face waiting for Wukong's voice. "I...I'm sorry..." He finally said, the demon scoffed and rolled his eyes. ''...for everything. ''

"Leaving you, fighting you, and putting you through some much. You didn't deserve any of that all you wanted was for me to stay with you and all I did was push you away. Our battles were you trying to prove how much I hurt you and yet I ignore it all. I put myself first without thinking about you. I understand now and I hope sometime in the future you will be able to forgive me" Tears started to swell in the king's eyes as his clenched fist began to shake. "I am so stupid for leaving you... you are my everything, Macaque...I love you so much to the point it hurts."

 Wukong slowly lifted his head, he was shocked to see Macaque's face all red and tears running down his face with a shocked expression on his face. " stupid monkey. You don't know how long I was waiting for you to say that." Macaque nearly jumped into Wukong's arms making them both fall to the ground, "You're so stupid, you know that! Stupid Sun Wukong! It took you this long!?" He screamed at him in a sob, but he was crying into his chest while gripping his shirt. Wukong began to cry himself, rubbing his mango's back and repeating the same words, "I know...I know."  Quiet sobs came from the black monkey as he was trying to form words. "St...Stupid...f-fool...I love you..."  Macaque looked up at his peaches with tears still streaming down his face. Wukong felt his face warm-up, he wipes the tears away on Macaque's face. ''So, forgive me?''  The smaller monkey brings one hand to his face and pushes himself up to connect their lips. The kiss sent sparks through their bodies, pulling each other closer. They pulled apart, looking each other in the eyes. "I forgive you..." The two connected their foreheads, closing their eyes as they finally could enjoy each other's warmth and scent. 

They eventually got up from the floor and Macaque was placed back in bed. Wukong moved the chair back to its formal spot and walked over to his lover, kissing him on his cheek. Before the king could walk away, his arm was grabbed. "Could you...stay with me, just a little longer?" The monkey beneath him asked. He smirked as he climbed into bed next to him, pulling him into a hug. "Sure mango." Macaque cuddled up against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. Wukong smiled at him hugging him a bit tighter, taking in his mango scent. "I don't ever want to leave you again..." He whispered. Finally closing his eyes and enjoying each other's company. 

Eventually, Macaque will have to apologize as well, but not right now.  

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