So He's Missing?

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(This is a continuation of Mei and the gang on Wednesday)

Sitting down at the dinner table in the DBK's house, Princess Iron Fan sipped her tea calmly. "I must admit Sandy, you're tea is delicious" Sandy lightly blushed from the compliment. Pigsy sat stiffly while being stared down by the Bull King. 

"Princess Iron Fan, what was with the tantrum this morning?" Tang asked. The Princess sighed placing down her tea, "The way I had acted this evening was very careless and selfish of me, and I do apologize for it" Pigsy murmured something under his breath, the glare that the Bull had on him deepened. "A friend of mine had traveled to the Philippines mountains, he said he would be back by tomorrow but he hadn't come back. I have no idea where he is or what state he is in." She frowned, looking worriedly at the teacup. "I fear that he had gotten in trouble or badly injured." Red Son straightens his back and asked in a soothing voice. "Mother, does your friend happen to be named Macaque?" She nodded then looked back up to the crew, "Again I do apologize for my behavior, I miss him dearly." Mei looked at Tang. "You said you know who Macaque is, maybe you know where his whereabouts are?" Tang shook his head, "I know who he is but the last thing I know about him is when he lost a battle with the Monkey King, he disappeared. "

Taking his eyes off the pig, The Bull King decided to hop into this conversation, "He came back to us on the verge of death, begging for us to help." "Of course, we let him in and took care of him." Iron Fan continued his sentence. Red son looked confused. "If he was staying with us then why have I never talked or seen him?" Princess Iron Fan smiled slightly. "You have seen him before, you just don't remember him. He helped took care of you when you were first born, he had to leave though," She took a sip of her tea, "once he returned, he was too afraid of showing himself to anyone so we kept him hidden in one of the rooms in the house. He was barely home, but when he was home he helped out lots while you were building, Red Son"

Now Tang was confused, he fixed his glasses. "Isn't Macaque dangerous though, it says that he was a master of trickery and manipulation?" The crew began unsure if they wanted to help find him again. "Are you sure he isn't just tricking you? Using you for his benefit, how do you know that he isn't on some super-secret mission to take over the world?" Mei asked. Princess Iron Fan slammed a fist onto the table. "He wouldn't do that...I know he wouldn't" She trembled in anger, "He would have no reason to... he wouldn't be like Sun Wukong. He... He promised me that." Douting her thoughts that he could be in danger, new ones replaced them. 'Using him? What if he was... He never begged for anything before... maybe this is why is gone...' DBK noticed that state that his lover was in and demanded the crew to leave and to Red Son to go to his room. 

Walking out of the castle, Mei decided to say something. "We should help her, she seems stressed out by this." "Absolutely not, if that...thing... was once dangerous to the world and the Monkey King then I say she should forget about him. You saw what happened after we mentioned that he might be using her. She isn't even sure herself that her "friend" is safe." Mei tried to debate back. "Yeah but if he was planning something, wouldn't MK see or felt something off with his Monkey Powers?" "Macaque could have managed his power so he couldn't have been to be detected by any other magical being, we don't know how powerful he truly is," Tang said. Mei sighed in defeat. "Should we at least call MK to let him know of the situation?" she asked "Leave the kid alone, he should be focusing on training, not some dumb missing 'Macaque'" Pigsy answered. Sandy had nothing to say about this topic, he knew he couldn't change their minds and he sorta believed them. All of them were skeptical of someone that they hadn't even met.  

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