Chapter-23 My dear General

Start from the beginning

“I know but since it is my dream, you won’t harm me…I wanted to just hold your hand” Raik says honestly making Asil’s heart itch. This cub is very dangerous.

He pulls his hand and lies down on his back trying not to smile “Time up” he says, making Raik disappointed and staring at his now empty hand. Asil briefly glances at Raik who was quiet. “What is in your mind?”

Raik shakes his head, looking at the clouds moving slowly, “Just wondering what will happen to us humans, of my sister, my master”

“Hmm…hard to say and think of…why are you indulging in these thoughts?” Asil asks seeing the flock of birds flying back to their home.

“Aren’t you afraid of me?” The General asks.

Asil chuckles hearing that “Should I be?”

Raik nods, he is hiding many secrets and it is becoming a burden to carry, for this once in his dream he wanted to speak it out “I am deceiving you, how will the real you feel when I tell him that I am there to take him to the King”

Asil stares at him, not expecting him to say this, the smile wipes out off his face completely, looking serious and attentive, Raik didn’t know what was going on in his head but knows he has got full attention “Then why didn’t you?”

“My conscience is not allowing me to” Raik chuckles “Isn’t it funny of me to speak of conscience but it is the truth we should be thankful to you for helping us, moreover” Raik feels bitter but lays out his thoughts “Your home is not here and will leave one day…I want to make sure you reach there safely”

Asil becomes quiet hearing it, gaze fixed on the clouds, they both become silent only the sound of birds chirping could be heard.

 “What if he already knows?”

 Asil breaks the silence growing longer between them. Raik’s heart feels a thump he turns to face Asil, scared if this is not a dream but then realizing where they were he exhales a sigh. He doesn’t know the answer to this question, it is all for Asil to decide.

Asil stretches his hand towards Raik, the General looks at him confused, Asil smiles “Hold it if you are feeling stressed” He says “A limited time offer again” He adds amused. Raik looks at the long and beautiful fingers, the urge to hold them grows strong again but he controls himself.

“Are you treating me like a kid?” He enquires narrowing his eyes.

“Oh! was I obvious?” Asil plays along. Raik pushes his hand away. “I don’t need it now” He turns to the other side like a sulking kid.

Asil laughs at that “Are you sure, the limited period offer will expire in….” He looks around and then at the cloud and smiles “As that big cloud reaches that spot” He points in the sky, subconsciously Raik checks it as soon as Asil says it, making Asil chuckle.

“Afraid?… You won’t regret it right?” Asil teases. Raik doesn’t look back at him, watching the stubborn General like this was really funny. Asil looks at the cloud and then at Raik. He felt this moment of calmness to be very therapeutic, since the day he came to the mortal realm there is uneasiness around him regarding the people and the devils but right now at this moment he wants to let that all go and relax.

“Okay okay…this Prince gives up,” He says and moves close to Raik almost touching his hair, “Can this Prince have the honor to hold your hand?” He teases. Raik doesn’t move but his heart starts beating fast hearing those words. He so badly wanted to face the angel and look into those blue eyes. 

Asil waits for a response, seeing no movement he was about to accept his defeat when a hand is stretched. He smiles wide but the General was still not looking back or moving. Asil, without wasting any more time intertwines their finger, almost hugging Raik. The General feels his body going warm as he registers it, his breath hitches, and his fingers tremble but Asil holds him tight, assuringly and gently.

“Close your eyes and open again, we will be out of our dream” He whispers “It’s time to wake up” 

“Wake up” Hansen calls loudly making Raik open his eyes and look around, disappointment fills his heart as he sees the surrounding, he was woken up from the beautiful dream, and he glares at Hansen making the Zuershian step back. “We can’t delay anymore” Hansen clarifies and walks away.

Raik sits up, sighing and covering his face in his palm in shame, what kind of dreams is he seeing recently, composing himself he gets up.


The four meet outside the inn and decides to carry on with their journey, they were not far from the borders of the next Kingdom Yerez and their destination seems to be there, it was a half an hour journey for them to reach Yerez.

Yerez is ruled by Emperor Varhara’s son, Etel, this Kingdom has everything but nothing, the land is rich in resources but there is too much exploitation of it to care. Etel is infamous for keeping slaves, he doesn’t like Rielel but has sold him quite a lot of slaves in Ciradyl, Etel has made ties with Rielel for-profits, and got a land close to the sea makes it easier to trade with other Kingdoms. This place has seen corruption, slavery, cruelty, greed, and fake believers of God, in form of their King and higher-ups.

After riding their horses into the Kingdom for several hours, none of them sees any human presence, the situation in itself was awkward what added to it was the behavior of the General, who avoided Asil throughout the way, not sparing a glance or speaking a word. Asil was not bothered, he just smiled while Hansen and Mais were not able to understand this moody General, they didn’t say anything afraid that the General will lose all his control. 

They cross the forest area and stop at a mark showing the sign of a small town named Fallyer ahead, happy that finally, they found someplace to rest and know about people here, they speed up. The group reach the town when the sun was above their heads, it was very hot and humid in the area, as they enter the town, the pungent smell makes them halt and look at each other. Raik hesitates and finally glances at Asil, he feels something was odd about the place.

“What does this mean?” Mais asks confused, Raik was not the only one feeling that way.

Asil looks around “This means luck is on our side we don’t need to go to the palace, like we planned, beware, I can sense him” 

The three nod, getting down from their horses they leave the animal to rest at the entry, walking inside, and hear the loud thud sound echoing in the silent place. The town was very strange, the houses were built on both sides, there were also several trees none having the leaves just naked branches moving with the harsh wind, they cover their eyes as the large cloud of dust floats in the air. Brushing the dust off their clothes they move their gaze around to what seemed like a market area, there was no one out on the street in the daytime, the houses were closed and many eyes were looking at them from the windows.

 A man was cutting meat on the board and the strike of the blade was so loud and harsh that it can cause chills to whoever is present there. He keeps chopping without looking up busy with his work not even registering their presence. The group stands in front of him and sees the table dyed in red. Hansen’s gaze falls on the fingers in the tub, it is not just the animal that is being slaughtered here, he feels the chills down his spine.

Asil was also not doing well, his head was spinning, he holds Raik's arm to support himself. Raik looks at him in concern wanting to ask what happened when the man stops his action and meets their eyes. He  is a middle-aged man with a buffed figure, his clothes look filthy covered in blood and tiny pieces of flesh he was cutting, a strange odor coming from him that could make anyone nauseate, he smiles eerily at them “Just on time...Are not you hungry?” He asks, yellow teeth and shining eyes looking at them.

Asil was about to warn them again but was taken by surprise as the group hear their stomachs growl in hunger. The man laughs in satisfaction stopping his work and leaving to somewhere unknown. They hear the chattering and turn around to see the place that was quiet before was now bustling with people. 


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