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"henry, what are you doing?" agni asked

in the blink of an eye, agni was underneath a deviant
the same deviants they tried to destroy
the same deviants they thought they all wiped out
but this deviant some how shapeshifted
somehow changed into something
something that agni had been hiding from everyone
the power agni had hidden deep down
and she had some how given it to the only thing that could kill them

"henry, i need to show you something" agni put her hand out, focusing on her hand
it glitches, moving into multiple different shapes, multiple different figures
henry smiled
he didn't seem scared, he didn't seem horrified
he smiled
"it's beautiful" he said, taking her hand
he rubbed her palm with his finger
"your beautiful" he looked up at her
he moved closer to her face, and he kissed her

agni realized, as she tried to change, while henry, or the deviant stood above her
that she's given it power
with that kiss
she gave a creature, a creature arishem created, power to change, power to change into something that could kill the eternals
that could bring it down

it had been years since agni fought with her fire, it had been a long time.
she couldn't feel the fire within her
she felt useless
she needed to get to druig
she closed her eyes, right before henry's deviant form could do anything to her

her heart began to race, popping out from under the deviant
she ran, as fast as she could
"druig! i need you to get everyone out of the village" she told him as she met him outside of their house

"whats going on agni?" agni had no time to talk
she didn't want what happened to the dress shop to happen to here too
she doesn't want what happened in japan to happen here too
she doesn't want to be the reason so many more people die
"please druig"
her eyes brimmed with tears

she wasn't upset because the deviants were back
she was upset because she gave them power
she was the one
she brought them back
she was the reason they were back

she was always the reason things went wrong

agni was now face to face with henry again, he smirked at her
"don't be crying now darling" agni shook her head
"i created you didnt i?"
he chuckled, walking towards her
"in a way, yes"
i'm the back of agnis mind
for some reason
for some, odd reason
she heard kingo
"it wasn't your fault" the way he always consoled her
"it wasn't your fault"
she breathed heavily, henry stepped forward again

"arishem created me, on the idea of a person you had, to try and bring back the deviants, to bring back stability, and to get rid of the eternals," henry was shifting again
agni felt her body heating
she felt the fire coming
she felt the world collapsing on her shoulders
but she stood

"starting with you"
the deviant ran at her, she moved around him
she needed more time
she realized henry couldn't talk once he changed, he realized that henry wasn't human anymore
or human ever

she thought of what might happen if he did kill her
who he'd kill next
druig, brelione, sprite, thena, gilgamesh,

her body heated up the more she though about it
the more they fought
until she was on the ground again, hands on the grass, eyes closed
the ground rumbled
the ground was heated
and then, the deviant screamed in horror

agni opened her eyes again, and it sat in ash
the person she gave her power away too
the person who stole that from her
he took her power away and tried to hurt her and her family

she knelt down, and cried.
she sobbed above the ashes
how could she be so ignorant, she didn't understand how all of this happened
under her feet


druig had rounded up everyone out of the village
and now they were all alone

he grabbed the girls arms, holding her up
"agni it wasn't your fault," he held her face
"druig, you don't understand, i gave him that power"
druig shook his head, placing his forehead onto hers

just like he used to do brelione, and how kingo used to do with agni

"it wasn't your fault, this isn't your fault, none of this that happened, none of anything that ever happened to us, to you, to anyone none of it is your fault okay? listen i need you to tell me, none of it was your fault" he looked into her eyes and wiped her tears
she nodded
"it wasn't my fault" she whispered
he shook his head
"really mean it ag" he smiled,
"it wasn't my fault" she said, louder, with a smile
"one more time" he said, laughing
"it wasn't my fault, none of it was my fault" he nodded again, leaning away from her, grabbing her hand

"let's go drink something" he smiled, dragging her into the house

the people of the village started coming back in, back to their homes, back to their unharmed, intact, homes

agni sat at the counter, giggling with a cup of alcohol in her hand
"druig you've gotta be kidding me" she giggled, taking another sip
"no! i'm not! kingo told me he was insecure about his hairy stomach, said you wouldn't like it cause you always complain about hair"
agni laughed, rolling out of her chair and on the ground
she was snorting, and giggling, which made druig fall over aswell

they were both drunk out of their minds, laughing uncontrollably together on the floor
druig staired at agni as she laughed, his laughter dying down

"your really pretty" he said, moving her hair out of her face
agni stopped laughing, looking into his eyes
"i never noticed how gorgeous you actually are" he said, leaning closer to her
all agni could see was druig

kingo left her mind, brelione left her mind
it was just druig

he leaned in, and kissed her, drunken words leaving his mouth as they kissed on the kitchen floor

drunken words are sober thoughts,
or drunken words are sober mistakes

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