The flame

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kingo doesn't remember the day he met agni, nor does anyone else, since as far back as his memory takes him, agni was right by his side.
he does however, remember the first time she showed him what she can do with her powers
that night, he remembers very well.
brelione and druig were off in the forest somewhere, while kingo and agni sat at a fire with sersi and sprite.
it was so peaceful, that night was the first time he heard agni laugh for real, her snort, the way she slams her hand on her leg and throws her head back, then she falls silent and the only reason you know she's laughing is her face.
it made kingo happy seeing her that way
so when sersi and sprite went off to bed, and it was just the two
agni whispered "can i show you something ki?" he smiled
"of course ag, i love anything that you show me" and with that, agni lifted her hand, flipping her palm to the sky
and within a blink of the eye, a flame formed
and in the flame stood two people, and they were dancing.
kingo looked closely, examining the fire before him
and he knew, fire wasn't destruction, it was, beautiful, and majestic
it wasn't fire itself that was dangerous, it was the people using it for wrong
kingo smiled "is that us?" when agni nodded, and the flame flickered a green, soon to turn back to yellow, he slowly stuck his hand into the fire
and like a small bug, the fire crawled into his hand, never once burning him
"your perfect agni" she laughed a small laugh, as the fire flashed away in an instant
"far from it kingo" and with that, a flash of yellow appeared, and agni was in her bed, leaving kingo outside alone wondering why she doesn't see in herself what he sees in her.

Agni's favorite place was her own head, as her eyes closed and she imagined life the way she wanted it to be. She imagined that she was human, with kingo by her side, Thena and gilgamesh got married and had three kids, druig and brelione stayed in the amazons and raised kids of there own, sprite grew up, phastos was left to a life of invention with his family by his side as he marries a man, and adopts a baby. sersi and ikaris have happy lives too, while ajak watches over each and every one of them just as she does now.

the only one who knew about her dream was druig, and he couldn't say he didn't want the same.
he's always dreamt of having a life with brelione, seeing her beautiful smile as she worked on her plants without the effortless powers she has
but that's not how they were. not what they were meant to be.
Agni and druig a friendship has always been close, but never as close as the two were to their other halves, kingo and brelione
brelione was beautiful, and sweet, and kind, she was the sun on a rainy day.
Agni was loud, and rough, and excited, she was the moon
they went together perfectly though.
Druig admired the friendship between his lover and his bestfriend, and kingo admired the friendship between his best friend and brelione
he often didn't know how to comprehend two people so beautiful being together so much
he dreamed about normal life too, but one where people admired him, clapped for him, enjoyed what he did and the work he put into it

Agni, her dream was different, she didn't want to be human for a person, she wanted to be human because she was tired of fighting
despite her destructive power, she was never a destructive person

agni was a loud person, she felt if she wasn't going to die, then she would need to make her long lived life fun
that's one of the many reasons kingo liked her
he often heard her singing new music she had heard in the village they were staying at this decade.
if she wasn't singing she was dancing through the halls of their ship, making small people with her fire to dance with her
it made everyone smile, everyone besides ikaris
since forever, agni has hated ikaris, almost more than druig did.
when agni smiled, ikaris always had something to say about it
when ikaris was caught staring at brelione, agni was the one to say something about it
"leave him be ag" kingo told her, but she shrug her shoulders and walked off with thena

thena was always a book of wise words to agni, agni told thena everything, except for her dreams of a new life
if thena knew of agni's wishing to be human, agni would get a huge lecture on how you never turn your back on family
and agni would never do that, ever
all she wanted was a sense or normalcy, so she would dream of being human
and she would never turn on family, dream or no dream
that's why she's still by their side isn't it? because she loves them
she loves them, she loves the places they see, she loves the people they meet
she hates fighting

she often teleports to other places for hours at a time, and she talks to the locals of that area, she loves how they treat her like a human
it makes her feel normal
and it makes her feel happy
like the way watching her flames dance, yet not burn a single thing, makes her happy
or the way kingo makes her happy
or watching ikaris fail at something
or the way druig eyes crinkle when he smiles
and brelione moves her hands faster while signing when she is excited.
she realizes how much she notices about her friends when she's away

Agni was a flame

HI AND WELCOME TO MY BOOK:D this is inspired heavily by my dr and my friend hanna's if you havnt, go read brelione, it's a druig fic by sairenepogue
it's absolutely amazing and i love it so much, if you came from the book hi!! and i hope you enjoy:)

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