man made weapon

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                        (Y/n pov)

You stood in a dark room surrounded by 4 Marleyan soldiers as a single light shown on you

??: who are you

(Y/n): I am (y/n) Tybur

??: what is your purpose

(Y/n): to obey orders and defend the Tybur family

??: how will you do this

(Y/n): by becoming the warhammer and crushing all my higher ups  tell me to

??: and what is the Warhammer

(Y/n): I do not know

??: that will change soon, now kill those guards around you

Soldier1: Sir tybur wh-

The man's sentence was cut short as you broke his neck letting his body fall to the floor

Around the other three soldiers took a step back not one had brought a fire arm to this place

Soldier2: stay back!

Beginning to walk towards the remaining three your bare feet echoed in the room along with the broken chains around your wrists and ankles

Soldier3: he said stay back, if you don't we will be forced to fight back

??: please do it will help with this test

(Y/n): master shall I kill them fast or slow

??: hmm which ever you think Is best

Moving into a run you charge the soldier who hadn't said anything yet

He fell backwards at your approach allowing you to jump and land on his chest

Soldier4: please don't do this!

Grabbing his throat with your hand you begin to squeeze forcing the air out of his lungs

His hands uselessly scratched at your arm as his face reddened with tears running down his face

(Y/n): can you still hear me, I would like to ask a favor

The man opened his mouth as he tried to breath his eyes pleading the other soldiers to help

They just stood there watching not moving a inch

(Y/n): can you try to describe what this feels like to me 

The man's struggling began to weaken as you continued increasing the pressure on his throat

(Y/n): I've felt many kinds of pain but I've never been chocked

His arms fell to the floor the light fading from his eyes

(Y/n): I broke him to soon

??: this is a order kill them fast

Sitting up from the dead soldier you turn to the last two and begin walking towards them

One tried backing away to the wall trying to find the exit. While the other charged you and swung a fist towards your face

Side stepping the punch you grab the soldiers outstretched arm and force your knee into bending it the wrong way as a piece of bone stabs out

Soldier3: AHHHH!

The soldier fell to their knees  screaming their head off with their arm clutched in their hand

Grabbing the broken arm you jerk it towards the soldiers face strong enough that the piece of bone impales into their skull killing them

Huddling in a corner of the room the last living soldier cried and prayed

falling Hammer (Aot Male Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now