Pranav nodded and left. Siddharth followed him and Tara left the room in other direction.

"When will he reach?" Pranav asked, settling in the car.

"He is around your house. He will be there when you reach." Siddharth replied.

Pranav came home late that night and as soon as he stepped inside the house, the locket in his neck gave out the vibrations. He rushed to his study room and locked it from inside, only to rush up the stairs towards the birds room. He placed his ring finger on the touch panel twice and the wooden door opened up. All the while, there were continuous vibrations in the locket.
As soon as he stepped in the open area, a large beast soared towards him.

The large golden coloured, curved beaked eagle, landed skilfully on his extended forearm. The eagle flapped it's large wings for another moment, before it gave a moment to its master to pet it.

The vibrations stopped, as soon as Kite landed.

Pranav could not hold it's weight for too long and held it gently in his both the arms. The eagle did not like it confined and Pranav was quick to place it on the floor. The eagle kept on flapping its wings, as if stretching after a long journey.
Pranav offered him a bowl of water and the bird did not waste a moment before ducking it's head down. First it drank the water and then it dipped it's head in it, and shook it vigorously, trying to fight off the fatigue.

Pranav then walked to the large aquarium that had a continuous supply of oxygen from the oxygen pump. He switched off the electric supply, stopping it for some time.

Kite took a plight in air, taking a nice look at the aquarium and trying to find a nice large fish for his dinner. He then soared down, skillfully tapping on a fish and picking it up in his crooked beak, in one attempt.

He settled on the floor again, playing with the now wriggling fish.

Pranav smiled and started the oxygen supply again.

He waited patiently until Kite was done eating the raw fish.
Pranav walked closer and stroked Kite's head. The bird hooted once.
Pranav looked around his neck for a small chip that was skilfully hidden with a soft string.

Letting Kite rest for some time, he walked down to the study room and brought out another similar chip. Coming back to the birds room, he tied the new chip to Kite's neck.
He stroked it once.

The bird took off in the dark night, making a round around his master and soon was off to the destination, that he had come from.

Pranav sighed.

He walked back to his study room and locked the birds room safely.
He booted his laptop and inserted the small chip in the card reader to decode it. The small memory chip was a powerful one. It had all the data stored about the conversation of his father.
True to his assumptions, his father was in again in Chennai, under the pretense of being in Canada. Though nothing suspicious, his father had mainly had the conversation about Pranav's daily activities. He had a few loyal men, keeping a close watch on Pranav's activities. His father was keen to know, if Pranav had any affairs outside his marriage.
He had come to know that his father would make a surprise visit in the next week, to see the progress of his now married life.

Though Pranav expected it, his heart sank at the thought.

Thankfully, there was nothing concerning his brother.

Pranav knew, his father would not sit back in peace. He could not afford to remain clueless and unprepared at any given moment. His father needed a strong evidence that his married life was just fine.

Pranav gulped down, not knowing how to exactly come out of the situation.

He sighed and looked at the picture on the wall.
He walked to it and stroked it once.

"I am sorry Love." He whispered.

"What do I do? How should I make him believe me? I would really not be able to see another woman on death bed. I lost you even before I knew, but how do I save her?" He whispered helplessly.

He touched his forehead to the picture and sighed deeply.

There was a knock on the door and he was startled. He furrowed his eyebrows and stroked the picture again.
He then walked to the door and opened it.

Shraddha was standing there, with not so happy features.
"Are you coming for dinner?" She asked coldly.

He nodded.
"Give me some time. And I told you earlier, not to approach this room when I am here. You fancy playing with the protocols?" He asked playfully.

She was not in the mood to reply. She turned on her heels and left.

Pranav's features contorted. He looked down, a wave of disappointment was already building up.

Jay did not come for dinner that night.

Pranav walked in his bedroom, and then to his closet. Shraddha was looking through the array of her night gowns. He gingerly walked behind her and placed his palms on her waist. She did not react. But when he placed his lips on her neck, she jerked away, lightly.

"I am tired." She coldly said and walked to the bedroom, without changing.

Pranav knew she was upset. He had no words to explain his situation. So he decided to let it go for the night and slept quietly on his side of bed.


Another chapter up



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