Chapter I

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"I'll come to see ya soon, Shoyo

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"I'll come to see ya soon, Shoyo."

now ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Ylang Ylang


◄◄⠀▐▐⠀►► 0:00/ 𝟹:33⠀───○ 🔊

"How did it come to be like this, my love?" The boy wept looking at the gravestone. Ah, what an important question, how did it come like this, how did Atsumu Miya lose the love of his life, so, unexpectedly? That's for you to find out and for me to know.


Shoyo looked up to see a brunette standing in front of him. "Hello, I'm Miya Atsumu." Shoyo smiled at the boy. "I'm Hinata Shoyo." Atsumu smiled. The two became best friends after that, Shoyo and Atsumu were unseparated. Right?

"Tsumu." Atsumu turned to his twin brother Osamu. "SAMU!" Osamu didn't say anything which confused the other twin. "What's wrong?" Osamu bit his lip looking down. "I overheard mama talking to grandma over the phone... We're moving." Atsumu's heart stopped "W-what b-but I don't wanna lose Shoyo." Osamu frowned and hugged his twin. He understood how his brother felt, he felt deeply sorry.

"WHAT!" Shoyo yelled getting up from where he was sitting. "YOU'RE MOVING?!" Shoyo felt tears well up in his eyes. Atsumu looked down in shame. "I-I can't believe this." Shoyo crossed his arms and started to cry and Atsumu hugged him. "I don't wanna go." The two stayed hugging each other until their moms had to drag them apart. "OH, SHOYO COME ON YOUR DAD WILL START THROWING A FIT!" Shizu a lovely vibrate woman was trying to pull her ginger-haired son off the boy. "SERIOUSLY ATSUMU WE HAVE TO FINISH PACKING WE LEAVE TOMORROW MORNING!" Yui cried for her son to get off the ginger. "NO, I DON'T WANNA LEAVE YOU/YA!" The two cried making the women feel bad. "I'm sorry Atsumu but we have to." Atsumu pouted, "I'll move in with Shoyo then." Yui jumped back in shock. "YEAH GOOD IDEA ATSUMU SAN!" Shoyo grinned at the idea. "That's not happening." Shizu crossed her arms. "You'll make poor Yui kun stress out." The two frowned looking down at the grass. "I guess this will be our final time seeing each other under this tree." Shoyo nodded and looked at the tree. "Shoyo." the sad ginger looked at Atsumu. "Promise me ya will take care of this tree." Shoyo smiled and nodded. The two said their final goodbyes.

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